CRYSTALLIZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CRYSTALLIZE?

The synonyms and related words of “Crystallize” are: clear, clear up, crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, elucidate, enlighten, illuminate, shed light on, sort out, straighten out, effloresce, form crystals, solidify, harden, become clear, become definite, take shape, emerge, form, materialize, spiritually, freeze, mineral, crystal, edify, clarify, explicate, jadeite, ice, quartz, molten, unify, icicle, realize, frost, rime, icecap, refrigerant, glacial and 8 more.

CRYPT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CRYPT?

The synonyms and related words of “Crypt” are: tomb, vault, mausoleum, burial chamber, sepulchre, catacomb, ossuary, undercroft, entomb, bury, underneath, underground, beneath, below, subterranean, excavate, burial, inter, sepulcher, necropolis, interment, inhume, cemetery, conceal, casket, mummification, ulterior, sarcophagus, quietus, den, lair, hidden, coffin, grave, gravestone, under

CREDO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CREDO?

The synonyms and related words of “Credo” are: creed, doctrine, belief, attitude, rule, guideline, formula, standard, criterion, tenet, truism, code, ethic, maxim, motto, axiom, aphorism, notion, dictum, dogma, canon, law, morals, morality, moral standards, moral values, ethics, code of ethics, beliefs, ideals, standards, integrity, uprightness, high-mindedness, righteousness, virtue, probity, rectitude, sense of honour, honour and 31 more.

CRATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CRATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Crate” are: crateful, case, packing case, chest, coffer, trunk, box, casket, strongbox, basket, hamper, pack, bin, drum, container, receptacle, carton, packet, package, automobile, motor vehicle, motorized vehicle, means of transport, conveyance, machine, parcel, wrap, bundle, bale, stow, backpack, luggage, suitcase, attache, knapsack, unpack, bag, packing, pocket, burden and 12 more.

COUNTERS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COUNTERS?

The synonyms and related words of “Counters” are: counterpunch, parry, heel counter, tabulator, buffet, sideboard, comeback, rejoinder, replication, retort, return, riposte, anticipate, foresee, forestall, antagonistic, statistics, contrary, till, rotate, converse, reception, refractive, revert, opposite, backward, inverse, wayward, paradoxical, repeated, repay, restitution, revolutionize, retrace, backslide, restoration, receipt, analytical, pay, recurring and 5 more.