COUNTERBALANCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COUNTERBALANCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Counterbalance” are: balance, counterpoise, counterweight, equaliser, equalizer, equilibrium, equipoise, offset, stabilizer, compensation, recompense, ballast, makeweight, oppose, compensate, correct, even off, even out, even up, make up, counteract, countervail, neutralize, cancel out, make up for, pay back, pay, pay for, be enough for, fund, finance, have enough money for, provide for, compensate for, balance out, equalize, nullify, negate, undo, impartiality and 21 more.

COTTAGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COTTAGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Cottage” are: bungalow, small house, house, villa, lodge, chalet, cabin, shack, shanty, mews, apartment, bedroom, home, homestead, duplex, rent, edifice, furnished, rental, residence, dwelling, letting, bedside, manor, ceiling, flophouse, tenement, building, tenant, mansion, condominium, parlor, lodging, neighborhood, hut, hostess

COTERIE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COTERIE?

The synonyms and related words of “Coterie” are: camp, clique, ingroup, pack, set, circle, crowd, gang, band, crew, clan, club, fellowship, brotherhood, fraternity, sorority, sect, community, league, alliance, faction, cabal, junta, caucus, syndicate, nucleus, cell, covey, encamp, bivouac, tent, posse, vacation, encampment, camping, bonfire, hammock, campsite, tepee, shanty and 13 more.

CORRECTIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CORRECTIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Corrective” are: disciplinal, disciplinary, remedial, therapeutic, restorative, curative, rehabilitative, ameliorative, correctional, punitive, penal, reformatory, remedy, medicine, medication, medicament, antidote, antiserum, appropriate, relevant, right, correct, strict, rightness, blandness, germane, apposite, pertinent, applicable, adjustment, opportune, moralist, ethical, exact, fix, fitting, fit, pertinence, befitting, rigor and 6 more.

CORPOREAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CORPOREAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Corporeal” are: bodily, corporal, somatic, material, fleshly, in the flesh, carnal, human, mortal, earthly, contents, matter, embodied, weft, materialistic, textile, expressive, substance, adipose, substratum, thing, vinyl, drapery, item, theme, valance, felt, lined, byproduct, freon, physical, packing, crux, filling, subject, qualitatively, qualitative

CONVENTIONS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONVENTIONS?

The synonyms and related words of “Conventions” are: conventionalism, conventionality, formula, normal, pattern, rule, convening, traditional, custom, feudalism, customary, immemorial, tradition, primeval, diehard, conservative, orthodoxy, aboriginal, orthodox, hyperborean, tuscan, mores, cultural, conservatism, basketry, confucianism, outdated, europe, conventional, stodgy, renaissance, confucian, regulation, culture, morris, stuffy, folklore

CONTRACTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONTRACTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Contraction” are: compression, condensation, muscle contraction, shrinking, reduction in size, shrinkage, tightening, tensing, flexing, labour pains, labour, abbreviation, short form, elision, abbreviate, consonant, encapsulate, minimize, diphthong, vowel, pronounce, compress, syllable, abridgment, extract, shorten, squeeze, dew, reduction, subsidence, compaction, pressed, foggy, vaporization, condense, abridge, curtail, vapor, aqueous, refrigeration and 1 more.