WITCHCRAFT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WITCHCRAFT?

The synonyms and related words of “Witchcraft” are: witchery, sorcery, black magic, the black arts, the occult, occultism, wizardry, witching, necromancy, voodooism, voodoo, hoodoo, divination, paganism, coven, talisman, magic, mystic, wizard, witch, amulet, disbelieve, sleight, spell, necromancer, crone, conjure, ancient, occult, genie, potion, magical, sorcerer, goddess, charmed, shaman, magician, myth, bewitchment, astrologer

WINS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WINS?

The synonyms and related words of “Wins” are: bring home the bacon, come through, deliver the goods, succeed, acquire, gain, advance, gain ground, get ahead, make headway, pull ahead, earn, garner, profits, winnings, victory, triumphant, triumph, competition, jubilation, achieve, clinch, contest, winner, acquisition, jubilant, accomplishment, blowout, success, achievement, rejoicing, attainment, rivalry, acquirement, gamely, outmaneuver, opposing, attain, contention, achiever and 3 more.

WHISTLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WHISTLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Whistle” are: pennywhistle, tin whistle, whistling, clapping, cheering, ovation, standing ovation, acclamation, cheers, whistles, bravos, trill, trilling, song, birdsong, cry, warbling, chirp, chirping, chirrup, chirr, cheep, twitter, twittering, tweet, chatter, chattering, squeak, pipe, piping, peep, peeping, call, calling, siren, warning sound, alarm signal, danger signal, distress signal, alert and 54 more.

WEDGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WEDGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Wedge” are: wedge heel, chock, bomber, cuban sandwich, grinder, hero, hero sandwich, hoagie, hoagy, italian sandwich, poor boy, sub, submarine, submarine sandwich, torpedo, zep, cuneus, wedge shape, hacek, door stop, triangle, segment, slice, section, deposit, lodge, stick, force, squeeze, cram, jam, crush, pack, thrust, ram, push, stow, slot, conical, drill and 25 more.

WEAKNESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WEAKNESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Weakness” are: failing, helplessness, impuissance, frailty, feebleness, enfeeblement, puniness, fragility, delicacy, spinelessness, timidity, cravenness, cowardliness, pusillanimity, timorousness, indecisiveness, indecision, irresolution, ineffectuality, uselessness, ineptness, ineptitude, meekness, tameness, powerlessness, ineffectiveness, impotence, inadequacy, defectiveness, faultiness, deficiency, imperfection, tenuousness, implausibility, unsatisfactoriness, slightness, poverty, thinness, transparency, indistinctness and 54 more.

WAVY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WAVY?

The synonyms and related words of “Wavy” are: crinkled, crinkly, rippled, wavelike, curling, curly, curvy, curving, curved, undulating, meandering, winding, squiggly, zigzag, blond, uneven, sinuate, approximative, myopic, irregular, wanting, yellow, weal, approximate, unequal, stripe, circular, asymmetric, asymmetrical, lopsided, line, distance, bumpy, proximity, jaundice, hair, jagged, patchy, orange, perm and 3 more.