ECLIPSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ECLIPSE?

The synonyms and related words of “Eclipse” are: occultation, blotting out, blocking, covering, hiding, concealing, veiling, shrouding, darkening, decline, fall, failure, decay, deterioration, degeneration, weakening, ebb, waning, withering, descent, sinking, slide, tumble, regression, lapse, collapse, comedown, crash, dwarfing, upstaging, shaming, dominate, overshadow, occult, outshine, put in the shade, surpass, exceed, excel, be superior to and 53 more.

DOMINION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOMINION?

The synonyms and related words of “Dominion” are: district, territorial dominion, territory, rule, supremacy, ascendancy, dominance, domination, superiority, predominance, primacy, hegemony, authority, mastery, control, command, direction, power, sway, government, jurisdiction, sovereignty, suzerainty, lordship, overlordship, dependency, colony, protectorate, province, outpost, satellite, satellite state

DOGMA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOGMA?

The synonyms and related words of “Dogma” are: tenet, teaching, belief, conviction, principle, ethic, precept, maxim, article of faith, canon, law, rule, blind faith, unquestioning belief, certainty, credo, doctrine, creed, ecumenical, faith, preach, pantheism, theism, credulity, believing, credibility, confiding, missionary, christendom, minster, theological, superstitious, confidence, protestant, trusted, believe, synod, mormon, credible, credulous and 2 more.

DIZZY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DIZZY?

The synonyms and related words of “Dizzy” are: airheaded, empty-headed, featherbrained, giddy, light-headed, lightheaded, silly, vertiginous, woozy, faint, weak, weak at the knees, unsteady, shaky, wobbly, dazed, confused, muddled, befuddled, bewildered, disoriented, disorientated, stupefied, groggy, foolish, scatterbrained, vacuous, stupid, brainless, headache, migraine, ill, earache, vertigo, toothache, hysterical, ailment, sick, frenetic, oblivion and 17 more.

DISPEL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISPEL?

The synonyms and related words of “Dispel” are: break up, disperse, dissipate, scatter, chase away, drive away, drive off, drive out, run off, turn back, banish, eliminate, dismiss, get rid of, disseminate, asunder, strew, sprinkle, diffuse, dissemination, spray, diversify, effluence, dispersion, dispersal, distract, diffusion, imbue, dispersed, dissolution, intersperse, prolix, perfuse, proliferation, pervasiveness, scattered, spread, suffuse, proliferate, away and 1 more.

DISILLUSIONED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISILLUSIONED?

The synonyms and related words of “Disillusioned” are: disenchanted, disappointed, downcast, discouraged, frustrated, bitterly, weep, unfulfilled, unsuccessful, defeated, foiled, sad, unhappy, unsatisfied, wretched, unlucky, infelicitous, frustrating, dejected, despondent, daunting, poignant, unfortunate, mischance, disappointing, cry, pathetic, disastrous, whimper, mourn, somber, disillusion, piteous

DISARRAY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISARRAY?

The synonyms and related words of “Disarray” are: confusedness, confusion, muddiness, disorderliness, disorder, chaos, disorganization, lack of order, discomposure, disunity, disarrange, make untidy, bring into disarray, throw into disarray, bring into disorder, throw into disorder, disorganize, throw into a state of disorganization, turn upside-down, unsettle, take someone's clothes off, strip, unclothe, disrobe, pandemonium, bedlam, mayhem, tumult, turbulence, anomie, shambles, hash, perturbation, anarchist, uproar, fluctuation, anarchy, midst, mess, sodden and 11 more.

DEPENDS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPENDS?

The synonyms and related words of “Depends” are: bank, bet, calculate, count, look, reckon, rely, swear, reliant, reliance, trust, crucially, context, dependent, interdependent, recourse, symbiotic, condition, factor, centrality, trustful, trusting, dependence, believe, beholden, pendent, addicted, credulity, uncritical, credibility, credit, credible, mutually, confiding, constitutive, confidence, entirely

DELETE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DELETE?

The synonyms and related words of “Delete” are: erase, cancel, blue-pencil, edit, remove, cut out, take out, edit out, expunge, excise, eradicate, unpublish, annihilate, expulsion, uproot, decimate, abolish, exterminate, annul, extirpate, repeal, recantation, revoke, abrogate, revocable, rescission, riddance, obliterate, eliminate, abrogation, rescind, cull, override, nullify, efface, cutout