FASHIONABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FASHIONABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Fashionable” are: in fashion, stylish, in vogue, voguish, popular, up to date, up to the minute, modern, all the rage, modish, trendsetting, up-to-date, faddish, chic, latest, abreast, current, recent, fashion, recency, natty, vogue, lately, craze, fad, present, alongside, recently, presently, dapper, newfangled, urbanity, whereabouts, unconventional, inimitable, resurgent, jaunty

EVADE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EVADE?

The synonyms and related words of “Evade” are: circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, fudge, hedge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt, bilk, avoid, escape, escape from, stay away from, steer clear of, run away from, break away from, lose, leave behind, shake, shake off, keep at arm's length, keep out of someone's way, give someone a wide berth, keep one's distance from, not give a straight answer to, bypass, fence, fend off, skirt round, quibble about, be equivocal about, be evasive about, deflect, apophasis, avert, shun, forfend, derail and 16 more.

EMPTINESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EMPTINESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Emptiness” are: vacancy, vacuum, void, vanity, bareness, blankness, clearness, barrenness, desolation, meaninglessness, hollowness, idleness, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, uselessness, futility, worthlessness, fruitlessness, insubstantiality, purposelessness, pointlessness, aimlessness, valuelessness, senselessness, banality, triviality, insignificance, unimportance, vacuity, empty space, blank space, gap, hiatus, hole, hollow, cavity, chasm, abyss, gulf, vacuousness and 33 more.

EMBELLISH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EMBELLISH?

The synonyms and related words of “Embellish” are: aggrandise, aggrandize, blow up, dramatise, dramatize, embroider, lard, pad, beautify, fancify, prettify, adorn, deck, decorate, grace, ornament, dress, dress up, furnish, elaborate, colour, expand on, exaggerate, touch up, gild, catastrophize, elaborately, beautification, adornment, finery, beautifully, cockade, decoration, lacing, circlet, bauble, bedeck, earring, beaded, gem and 8 more.

DUPLICATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DUPLICATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Duplicate” are: matching, twin, twinned, identical, corresponding, equivalent, duplication, extra, mirror image, double, carbon copy, replica, image, living image, lookalike, clone, copy, carbon, photocopy, facsimile, mimeo, mimeograph, reprint, parallel, reduplicate, repeat, replicate, photostat, xerox, make a photocopy of, take a photocopy of, make a carbon copy of, make a carbon of, make a facsimile of, reproduce, run off, do over again, do again, redo, perform again and 24 more.

DUNGEON: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DUNGEON?

The synonyms and related words of “Dungeon” are: donjon, keep, underground cell, underground prison, oubliette, imprison, jail, prison, incarcerate, quest, inmate, penitentiary, detention, arrest, dark, imprisonment, nick, conviction, parole, capture, intern, convict, siege, infernal, violation, committal, warden, deport, culprit, probation, felony, captivity, chase, fetter, captive

DREAMER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DREAMER?

The synonyms and related words of “Dreamer” are: escapist, wishful thinker, idealist, fantasist, fantasizer, daydreamer, idealistic, imaginary, fantasy, psyche, daydream, reverie, visionary, paradise, illusory, fancied, dreaming, imagery, surreal, soul, vision, fanciful, imagine, dreamy, envisage, visualize, utopia, delusion, illusive, dreamland, fictitious, chimerical, illusion, escapism, hypnosis

DORMANT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DORMANT?

The synonyms and related words of “Dormant” are: abeyant, sleeping, hibernating, torpid, inactive, asleep, drowsing, comatose, supine, lethargy, drowsiness, sluggish, quiescence, dormancy, latent, inert, retired, inactivity, lull, lethargic, nap, hibernation, dilatory, lifeless, unanimated, lazy, somnolence, tiredness, idleness, listless, languor, stasis, stagnant, stationary, drowsy