DISAPPROVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISAPPROVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Disapprove” are: reject, express a poor opinion of, have a poor opinion of, dislike, be against, object to, find unacceptable, think wrong, take exception to, not believe in, not support, frown on, take a dim view of, look askance at, reproving, full of reproof, refuse, turn down, veto, disallow, set aside, throw out, dismiss, say ‘no’ to, rule against, rule out, disfavor, displeasure, disapproval, condemnation, execration, dissatisfy, unsatisfied, abhorrence, unhappy, repugnant, detestation, loathing, disaffected, antisocial and 14 more.

DEXTERITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEXTERITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Dexterity” are: manual dexterity, sleight, deftness, adeptness, adroitness, agility, nimbleness, handiness, ability, capability, talent, skill, proficiency, accomplishment, expertise, experience, efficiency, effortlessness, slickness, mastery, delicacy, knack, facility, artistry, sleight of hand, craft, finesse, felicity, shrewdness, astuteness, sharpness, acuteness, acumen, acuity, intelligence, tact, ambidextrous, talented, workmanship, craftsmanship and 16 more.

DEPRIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPRIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Deprive” are: divest, strip, impoverish, dispossess, relieve, bereave, oust, overthrow, remove, topple, unseat, depose, dethrone, eject, dispel, confiscate, usurp, disenfranchise, steal, rob, plunder, usurpation, commandeer, rapine, arrogate, buccaneer, pillage, loot, ransack, impound, despoil, birthright, spoliation, thieve, piracy, filch, forfeited, raid, marauder, thief and 2 more.

DEFENDER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEFENDER?

The synonyms and related words of “Defender” are: withstander, guardian, protector, shielder, guard, preserver, bodyguard, supporter, upholder, backer, champion, advocate, endorser, sustainer, bolsterer, apologist, proponent, exponent, promoter, apostle, standard-bearer, torchbearer, flagbearer, adherent, believer, full back, back, sweeper, football, soccer, player, rugby, bowler, tutelary, basketball, tutelar, angel, tackle, varsity, baseball and 14 more.

DEBUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEBUT?

The synonyms and related words of “Debut” are: entry, first appearance, introduction, launching, unveiling, first showing, first performance, launch, coming out, entrance, premiere, beginning, inception, inauguration, theater, first, album, celebrity, film, movie, actress, cinema, comedian, casting, minstrel, vaudeville, nickelodeon, video, cinematic, performer, preview, screening, troupe, actor, supermodel, impresario, blockbuster, picture, superman, projector and 2 more.

DEBACLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEBACLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Debacle” are: drubbing, slaughter, thrashing, trouncing, walloping, whipping, fiasco, failure, catastrophe, disaster, disintegration, mess, wreck, ruin, frustrated, defeated, disappointed, filibuster, unsuccessful, foiled, flop, crestfallen, judicial, despondent, attempt, dejected, appellate, frustrating, weep, loser, frustration, disillusioned, unfulfilled, bitterly, disastrous, mischance, pathetic, wretched, discouragement, unsatisfied and 1 more.

CREEP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CREEP?

The synonyms and related words of “Creep” are: cower, crawl, cringe, fawn, grovel, mouse, pussyfoot, sneak, move on all fours, move on hands and knees, pull oneself, inch, edge, slither, slide, squirm, wriggle, writhe, worm, worm one's way, insinuate oneself, steal, slip, slink, sidle, skulk, pad, prowl, tiptoe, tread warily, move stealthily, move furtively, move unnoticed, walk quietly, crawling, creeping, spook, weirdie, weirdo, weirdy and 39 more.