PROLONGED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROLONGED?

The synonyms and related words of “Prolonged” are: drawn-out, extended, lengthy, protracted, elongated, lengthened, continuous, ongoing, steady, continual, continuing, constant, running, persistent, perpetual, unfaltering, unremitting, unabating, unrelenting, relentless, unrelieved, unbroken, never-ending, unending, incessant, unceasing, ceaseless, round the clock, drought, dryness, outstretched, famine, desiccated, shortage, overexposure, aridity, long, desert, stretched, ligament and 14 more.

POSIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for POSIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Posit” are: deposit, fix, situate, postulate, put forward, state, submit, advance, propound, predicate, hypothesize, take as a hypothesis, set forth, propose, pose, assert, put, place, locate, set, site, stand, station, claim, aver, emend, affirm, emancipation, declaratory, contend, fixing, unsubstantiated, assertion, declamation, locus, deferment, declare, declaration, statement, declarative and 4 more.

PATHWAY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PATHWAY?

The synonyms and related words of “Pathway” are: footpath, nerve pathway, nerve tract, tract, track, jogging track, trail, trackway, ride, riding, towpath, walk, walkway, promenade, esplanade, avenue, lane, alley, alleyway, passage, passageway, byway, sidetrack, berm, causeway, right of way, method, way, manner, mode, measure, fashion, process, procedure, technique, expedient, agency, medium, instrument, mechanism and 32 more.

OVERT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OVERT?

The synonyms and related words of “Overt” are: open, undisguised, unconcealed, plain to see, plainly seen, plain, clear, apparent, conspicuous, unmistakable, obvious, noticeable, observable, visible, manifest, patent, public, above board, brazen, barefaced, blatant, flagrant, shameless, glaring, unambiguous, explicit, unashamed, presumptuous, unequivocal, perspicuous, proudly, definite, certainly, confirming, evident, pronounced, palpability, pellucid, flaunt, hardcore and 1 more.

OUTFIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OUTFIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Outfit” are: kit, getup, rig, turnout, costume, suit, uniform, ensemble, habit, attire, clothes, clothing, dress, garb, equipment, tools, utensils, implements, tackle, apparatus, paraphernalia, things, stuff, organization, enterprise, company, firm, partnership, house, business, group, band, body, crew, team, coterie, clique, equip, fit, fit out and 32 more.

OCCUPIED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OCCUPIED?

The synonyms and related words of “Occupied” are: tenanted, engaged, in use, full, taken, unavailable, inhabited, settled, busy, working, employed, hard-pressed, active, filled, packed, chartered, actively, entirety, all, indefeasible, contain, entire, complete, overcrowd, unbroken, outright, laden, turnkey, arrant, inerrancy, gamut, hired, totally, successfully, thorough, stuffed, whole, luxuriate

MORALE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MORALE?

The synonyms and related words of “Morale” are: esprit de corps, team spirit, confidence, self-confidence, self-esteem, sag, bolster, absenteeism, esprit, troop, pride, improve, baggy, desire, greed, flag, ambition, sloppy, droop, exhortation, bid, loose, bidding, deployment, attendance, conceit, command, squad, contingent, hubris, aspiration, egotism, proud, increment, reinforcement

MONOTONOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MONOTONOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Monotonous” are: humdrum, flat, monotone, monotonic, tedious, boring, dull, uninteresting, unexciting, wearisome, tiresome, repetitive, repetitious, unvarying, unchanging, unvaried, lacking variety, ho-hum, routine, mechanical, soul-destroying, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, uneventful, unrelieved, dreary, plodding, colourless, featureless, dry as dust, uniform, monochrome, toneless, uninflected, soporific, monotony, tiring, ennui, irksome, wearing and 15 more.