PERMEATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERMEATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Permeate” are: diffuse, imbue, interpenetrate, penetrate, pervade, riddle, filter, percolate, sink in, spread through, fill, filter through, diffuse through, pass through, percolate through, perfuse, extend throughout, be disseminated through, flow through, charge, suffuse, run through, steep, impregnate, inform, infiltrate, soak through, seep through, saturate, leach through, seep, leach, spread, diffusion, perforate, pierce, piercing, omnipresent, growing, disseminate and 13 more.

OBLIGATED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OBLIGATED?

The synonyms and related words of “Obligated” are: beholden, indebted, required, must, legally, duty, responsible, morally, accountability, responsibility, obligate, mandatory, obligatory, appreciative, debtor, grateful, justified, liable, demonstrably, thankful, manumission, compel, appreciate, necessary, binding, indispensable, accountable, require, vital, thank

NECESSARILY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NECESSARILY?

The synonyms and related words of “Necessarily” are: inevitably, needs, needfully, automatically, as a direct consequence, as a direct result, as an automatic consequence, as an automatic result, as a matter of course, by definition, certainly, surely, definitely, incontrovertibly, undoubtedly, unavoidably, by force of circumstance, by force majeure, inescapably, ineluctably, unavoidable, inevitable, ineluctable, coincide, must, indispensability, agree, necessary, insurmountable, indispensable, allow, integral, vital, simultaneously, requisite, perforce, correspond, essential, prerequisite, need and 8 more.

NEARLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NEARLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Nearly” are: closely, intimately, about, almost, most, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh, just about, more or less, practically, all but, as good as, next to, close to, not far from, not far off, to all intents and purposes, nearing, fractional, incomplete, approximately, equidistant, half, some, roughly, around, few, approximate, proximate, least, thereabout, fragmentary, broadly, closeness, partially, sketchy, unfinished, every and 5 more.

MEEK: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MEEK?

The synonyms and related words of “Meek” are: spiritless, tame, mild, modest, patient, long-suffering, forbearing, resigned, submissive, yielding, unresisting, obedient, compliant, biddable, tractable, acquiescent, deferential, weak, timid, frightened, spineless, unprotesting, like a lamb to the slaughter, docile, humane, gentle, doctrinaire, merciful, temperate, considerate, lenient, restrained, amiable, subdued, manageable, amenable, slavish, soft, tapping, genial and 7 more.

LIQUID: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LIQUID?

The synonyms and related words of “Liquid” are: liquid state, liquidity, liquidness, fluid, liquified, melted, limpid, swimming, fluent, smooth, flowing, running, clear, transparent, crystalline, see-through, pure, distinct, clarion, convertible, negotiable, disposable, usable, realizable, obtainable, spendable, anhydrous, liquefaction, aqueous, melt, soluble, thaw, hydrate, solvent, oxidize, dried, meltwater, immiscible, dioxide, dilution and 15 more.

LEISURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LEISURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Leisure” are: leisure time, free time, spare time, spare moments, time to spare, idle hours, time off, freedom, breathing space, breathing spell, respite, relief, ease, peace, quiet, amenities, pastime, entertainment, avocation, hobby, picnic, recreation, recreational, tourism, travel, fishing, outing, activity, philately, trip, boxing, bingo, expedition, game, jaunt, interest, stadium, partake, voyage, badinage and 5 more.