Need another word that means the same as “pair”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “pair” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Pair” are: brace, couple, couplet, distich, duad, duet, duo, dyad, span, twain, twosome, yoke, set of two, set, matched set, two of a kind, two, duology, man and wife, husband and wife, partners, lovers, two horses, team, geminate, pair off, partner off, copulate, mate, match, twin, put together, partner, marry up
Pair as a Noun
Definitions of "Pair" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pair” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Either or both of two members of a legislative assembly on opposite sides who absent themselves from voting by mutual arrangement, leaving the relative position of the parties unaffected.
- Two people considered as a unit.
- A mated couple of animals.
- Two items of the same kind.
- Two playing cards of the same denomination.
- A set of two things used together or regarded as a unit.
- An article consisting of two joined or corresponding parts not used separately.
- The second member of a pair in relation to the first.
- Two people related in some way or considered together.
- A set of two similar things considered as a unit.
- Two horses harnessed side by side.
- A poker hand with 2 cards of the same value.

Synonyms of "Pair" as a noun (24 Words)
brace | A set of two similar things considered as a unit. Thirty brace of grouse. |
couple | A small indefinite number. Clean the stains with a couple squirts dishwashing liquid. |
couplet | A pair of successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same length. |
distich | A pair of verse lines; a couplet. |
duad | Two items of the same kind. |
duet | A dance for two people (usually a ballerina and a danseur noble. Performing duets with famous foreign artists. |
duo | A duet. The comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. |
duology | A pair of related novels, plays, or films. |
dyad | An operator which is a combination of two vectors. The mother child dyad. |
husband and wife | A married man; a woman’s partner in marriage. |
lovers | An ardent follower and admirer. |
man and wife | A male subordinate. |
matched set | A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect. |
partners | A person who is a member of a partnership. |
set | The act of putting something in position. The early sets ran on storage batteries. |
set of two | A relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way. |
span | The wingspan of an aircraft or a bird. A short concentration span. |
team | Two or more animals, especially horses, in harness together to pull a vehicle. Are you team Mac or team PC. |
twain | Two items of the same kind. |
two | One of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots. |
two horses | A framework for holding wood that is being sawed. |
two of a kind | A category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality. |
twosome | Two items of the same kind. An inseparable twosome. |
yoke | In ancient Rome an arch of three spears representing a yoke under which a defeated army was made to march. Under the yoke of a tyrant. |

Usage Examples of "Pair" as a noun
- Jacobs had two pairs.
- She enjoys driving her pair.
- A company run by a pair of brothers.
- Three pairs of shoes.
- Each course member tries to persuade his pair of the merits of his model.
- Get out, the pair of you.
- A pair of scissors.
- A pair of gloves.
- Students work alone or in pairs.
- 76 pairs of red kites.
- The pair are said to dislike each other intensely.
- One minister was flatly refused a pair by his Tory opposite number.
- A pair of jeans.

Pair as a Verb
Definitions of "Pair" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pair” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Put together or join to form a pair.
- (of animals) form a pair for breeding purposes.
- Arrange in pairs.
- Occur in pairs.
- Engage in sexual intercourse.
- Form a pair or pairs.
- Bring two objects, ideas, or people together.
- Give (a member of a legislative assembly) another member as a pair, to allow both to absent themselves from a vote without affecting the result.
- Wirelessly connect (an electronic device) to another via Bluetooth.

Synonyms of "Pair" as a verb (11 Words)
copulate | Engage in sexual intercourse. After about twenty minutes they copulate again. |
couple | Link together. The beetles may couple up to form a pair. |
geminate | Arrange or combine in pairs. A medial liquid is geminated over two syllables. |
marry up | Perform a marriage ceremony. |
match | Make equal uniform corresponding or matching. The company matched the discount policy of its competitors. |
mate | (of animals or birds) come together for breeding; copulate. Successful males may mate with many females. |
pair off | Bring two objects, ideas, or people together. |
partner | Provide with a partner. We ve partnered with several venues and organizations to bring fun science events to the city. |
partner off | Provide with a partner. |
put together | Cause (someone) to undergo something. |
twin | Grow as twins. The company twinned its core business of brewing with that of distilling. |

Usage Examples of "Pair" as a verb
- Killer whales pair for life.
- The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project.
- Arrangements are usually made between the party whips for an absent member on one side to be paired with an absentee on the other.
- You'll now be able to pair your watch directly with a set of Bluetooth headphones.
- The two old friends paired off.
- She wore a cardigan paired with a matching skirt.

Associations of "Pair" (30 Words)
acquaintance | Acquaintances considered collectively. A wide circle of friends and acquaintances. |
affinity | A close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character. An affinity for politics. |
buddy | Become friendly and spend time with someone. I decided to buddy up to them. |
coordinated | Being dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle movements. A coordinated program. |
couple | Two people or things of the same sort considered together. The engaged couple. |
couplet | Two items of the same kind. |
cousin | A title formerly used by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a noble of their own country. She s a distant cousin. |
crony | A close friend or companion. He went gambling with his cronies. |
doggerel | Verse or words that are badly written or expressed. He had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind. |
duet | Perform a duet. He duetted with Johnny on a ballad. |
duo | A pair who associate with one another. Two duos for violin and viola. |
equal | Be equal to in quality or ability. One dollar equals 1 000 rubles these days. |
husband | A married man; a woman’s partner in marriage. She husbanded their financial resources through difficult times. |
lovable | Having characteristics that attract love or affection. A mischievous but lovable child. |
lovingly | With love or great care. They smile lovingly at each other. |
match | Make equal uniform corresponding or matching. When the software finds a match it writes the correct character. |
matching | Being two identical. A blue jacket and matching skirt. |
mate | South American tea like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate. My best mate Steve. |
neighbour | A person who lives (or is located) near another. Matching our investment levels with those of our European neighbours. |
newlywed | Someone recently married. |
pal | Become friends; act friendly towards. We got acquainted but we never really palled around. |
partner | Provide with a partner. A partner in a prosperous legal practice. |
peer | A nobleman duke or marquis or earl or viscount or baron who is a member of the British peerage. We peered into the back of the shop to see whether a salesman was around. |
pitch | Hit the ball on to the green with a pitch shot. They pitched the story to various magazines and newspapers. |
prenuptial | Existing or occurring before mating. Prenuptial pregnancy. |
set | Put or set seeds seedlings or plants into the ground. A huge square cut emerald set in platinum. |
similitude | A comparison between two things. There is a striking similitude between the brother and sister. |
together | Into companionship or close association. She sits for hours together in the lotus position. |
twin | A twinned crystal. The hotel has 54 rooms of which 4 are twins. |
yoke | A pair of draft animals joined by a yoke. Yoke the oxen together. |