Need another word that means the same as “paradigm”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “paradigm” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Paradigm” are: substitution class, epitome, image, prototype, specimen, sample, exemplar, exemplification, instance, case, representative case, case in point, illustration
Paradigm as a Noun
Definitions of "Paradigm" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “paradigm” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time.
- The class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence (are in paradigmatic relation with one another.
- Systematic arrangement of all the inflected forms of a word.
- A typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model.
- (in the traditional grammar of Latin, Greek, and other inflected languages) a table of all the inflected forms of a particular verb, noun, or adjective, serving as a model for other words of the same conjugation or declension.
- A standard or typical example.
- A world view underlying the theories and methodology of a particular scientific subject.
- A set of linguistic items that form mutually exclusive choices in particular syntactic roles.

Synonyms of "Paradigm" as a noun (13 Words)
case | An agreed summary of the facts relating to a legal case drawn up for review or decision on a point of law by a higher court. It was a case of bad judgment. |
case in point | A comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy. |
epitome | A brief abstract (as of an article or book. She looked the epitome of elegance and good taste. |
exemplar | Something to be imitated. An exemplar of success. |
exemplification | A representational or typifying form or model. |
illustration | Showing by example. By way of illustration I refer to the following case. |
image | (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world. The company tried to project an altruistic image. |
instance | An example or single occurrence of something. A serious instance of corruption. |
prototype | A basic filter network with specified cut-off frequencies, from which other networks may be derived to obtain sharper cut-offs, constancy of characteristic impedance with frequency, etc. These objects are the prototypes of a category of rapidly spinning neutron stars. |
representative case | A person who represents others. |
sample | A sound or piece of music created by sampling. Samples of products for evaluation. |
specimen | A sample for medical testing, especially of urine. They collected a urine specimen for urinalysis. |
substitution class | An event in which one thing is substituted for another. |

Usage Examples of "Paradigm" as a noun
- The discovery of universal gravitation became the paradigm of successful science.
- English determiners form a paradigm: we can say ‘a book’ or ‘his book’ but not ‘a his book.
- Society's paradigm of the ‘ideal woman.
- He framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm.

Associations of "Paradigm" (30 Words)
absolute | Not limited by law. An absolute guarantee to respect the nation s authority. |
archetype | A very typical example of a certain person or thing. Mythological archetypes of good and evil. |
emulation | Technique of one machine obtaining the same results as another. A model worthy of emulation. |
epitome | A brief abstract (as of an article or book. She looked the epitome of elegance and good taste. |
example | An item of information that is typical of a class or group. A workbook and a data set will enable the researcher to follow worked examples. |
exemplar | Something to be imitated. An exemplar of success. |
herbarium | A room or building housing a herbarium. |
ideal | Conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence embodying an ideal. You re my ideal of how a man should be. |
instance | A particular case. I instanced Bob as someone whose commitment had certainly got things done. |
lattice | An interlaced structure or pattern resembling a lattice. The lift stopped and he peered through the metal lattice. |
mannequin | A person employed by a designer or shop to model clothes. She was too fat to be a mannequin. |
model | Construct a model of. The clothes were modelled by celebrities. |
monitory | Giving or serving as a warning. Shook a monitory finger at him. |
paradigmatic | Serving as a typical example of something. His biography is paradigmatic of the experiences of this generation. |
paragon | A perfect diamond of 100 carats or more. Your cook is a paragon. |
perfect | A tense of verbs used in describing action that has been completed sometimes regarded as perfective aspect. The equipment was in perfect condition. |
personification | The act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc. The knight is accompanied by two feminine personifications of vice. |
photogenic | (of an organism or tissue) producing or emitting light. A photogenic child. |
poser | A person who poses; a poseur. |
prototype | Make a prototype of a product. He is the prototype of good breeding. |
quintessence | The fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies. We were all brought up to believe that advertising is the quintessence of marketing. |
quintessential | Representing the perfect example of a class or quality. He was the quintessential tough guy strong silent and self contained. |
replica | An exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale. A replica of the Empire State Building. |
sample | Take a sample or samples of something for analysis. Riffs sampled from other musicians. |
specimen | A bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes. Specimens of copper ore. |
spheroid | A solid generated by a half revolution of an ellipse about its major axis prolate spheroid or minor axis oblate spheroid. It looked like a sphere but on closer examination I saw it was really a spheroid. |
type | Determine the type to which a person or their blood or tissue belongs. Two sporty types in tracksuits. |
typify | Be characteristic or a representative example of. The sun typified the Greeks, and the moon the Persians. |
universality | The quality of being universal; existing everywhere. The universality of the experience of grief and loss. |
unpopular | Not liked or popular. Unpopular measures. |