Need another word that means the same as “paranoia”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “paranoia” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Paranoia” are: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, megalomania, monomania
Paranoia as a Noun
Definitions of "Paranoia" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “paranoia” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.
- A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
- A psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur.

Synonyms of "Paranoia" as a noun (5 Words)
delusions | A mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea. He has delusions of competence. |
megalomania | Delusion about one’s own power or importance (typically as a symptom of manic or paranoid disorder). |
monomania | A mania restricted to one thing or idea. At an early age he developed a monomania about Africa. |
obsession | An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. She cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession. |
persecution complex | The act of persecuting (especially on the basis of race or religion. |

Usage Examples of "Paranoia" as a noun
- Mild paranoia afflicts all prime ministers.
Associations of "Paranoia" (30 Words)
amnesia | A partial or total loss of memory. They were suffering from amnesia. |
anxiety | Strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen. He felt a surge of anxiety. |
bipolar | Of a person suffering from bipolar disorder. Bipolar species. |
confusion | A disorderly jumble. She looked about her in confusion. |
delusion | An erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. The delusion of being watched. |
dementia | Mental deterioration of organic or functional origin. |
disturbed | Affected with madness or insanity. Disturbed sleep. |
dystopia | An imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic. |
epilepsy | A neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain. |
fantasy | Fiction with a large amount of imagination in it. It is ludicrous to fantasy disinventing the hydrogen bomb. |
fear | Be uneasy or apprehensive about. They hushed it up out of fear of public reaction. |
forgetfulness | Tendency to forget. She teased him for his forgetfulness. |
hallucinate | Perceive what is not there; have illusions. He starts hallucinating that he is Jesus. |
hallucination | Illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder. He refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination. |
hallucinatory | Of or resembling a hallucination. A hallucinatory drug. |
hyperactivity | A condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement. Pupils deprived of sleep tend to display hyperactivity. |
hysterical | Marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion. During hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered. |
insane | In a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill. They were making insane amounts of money. |
manic | (in psychiatry) relating to or affected by mania. Outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity. |
megalomania | A psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur. |
migraine | A severe recurring vascular headache; occurs more frequently in women than men. I m getting a migraine. |
neurosis | A mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction. Too much neurosis about a child s progress is unproductive. |
neurotic | A neurotic person. I wasn t going to be labelled as a hypochondriac or neurotic. |
oblivion | The state of being forgotten, especially by the public. He sought the great oblivion of sleep. |
paranoiac | A person suffering from paranoia. Nonsensical paranoiac ramblings. |
paranoid | A person who is paranoid. You think I m paranoid but I tell you there is something going on. |
phobic | Having or involving an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. A snake phobic. |
psychosis | A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. The symptoms of psychosis. |
schizophrenia | (in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements. Gibraltar s schizophrenia continues to be fed by colonial pride. |
uneasy | Lacking or not affording physical or mental rest. Farmers were uneasy until rain finally came. |