Need another word that means the same as “pivotal”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “pivotal” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Pivotal” are: polar, central, crucial, vital, critical, focal, essential, key, significant, important, determining, decisive, deciding
Pivotal as an Adjective
Definitions of "Pivotal" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “pivotal” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Being of crucial importance.
- Fixed on or as if on a pivot.
- Being of crucial importance- Henry Kissinger.
- Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

Synonyms of "Pivotal" as an adjective (13 Words)
central | In or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area. Central government. |
critical | Of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism. Getting banks lending again was critical to any recovery. |
crucial | Having crucial relevance. This game is crucial to our survival. |
deciding | Having the power or quality of deciding. Taxes could be the deciding factor for millions of floating voters. |
decisive | Unmistakable. A decisive battle. |
determining | Causing something to occur or be done in a particular way; serving to decide something. Money may have been the determining factor in his decision. |
essential | Absolutely necessary; extremely important. The essential feature. |
focal | Relating to the centre or most important part. Focal infection. |
important | Important in effect or meaning. An important official. |
key | Of crucial importance. She became a key figure in the suffragette movement. |
polar | Of an animal or plant living in the north or south polar region. Polar regions. |
significant | Of considerable importance, size, or worth. A significant contribution. |
vital | Full of spirit. A vital spot. |

Usage Examples of "Pivotal" as an adjective
- A sliding or pivotal motion.
- Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions.
- A pivotal event.
- Japan's pivotal role in the world economy.

Associations of "Pivotal" (30 Words)
center | Move into the center. It is in the center of town. |
central | (of a vowel) articulated in the centre of the mouth. The station has a central courtyard. |
centrality | The quality of being essential or of the greatest importance. The centrality of religion in their lives. |
circle | Move in circles. Circle the correct answers. |
concentric | Having a common center. Concentric circles indicate distances of 1 km 2 km and 3 km from the centre. |
crucial | Having crucial relevance. This game is crucial to our survival. |
essential | Absolutely necessary; vitally necessary. He was quick to grasp the essentials of an opponent s argument. |
focal | Relating to the focus of a lens. Focal point. |
fulcrum | The point against which a lever is placed to get a purchase, or on which it turns or is supported. Research is the fulcrum of the academic community. |
halfway | Equally distant from the extremes. I woke up halfway through the night. |
highlight | Create highlights in hair. You can highlight the word right click and see a list of synonyms. |
hub | A center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation; a focal point around which events revolve. The city has always been the financial hub of the country. |
importance | The quality of being important and worthy of note. The importance of a good education. |
important | Important in effect or meaning. Recited the decree with an important air. |
instrumental | The instrumental case. A very instrumental view of education and how it relates to their needs. |
main | Capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence. Switch off the mains supply. |
meaningfully | In a way that communicates something without directly expressing it. When he reports to work his supervisor stares meaningfully at the clock. |
mid | Of or in the middle part or position of a range. A mid June wedding. |
middle | The middle area of the human torso usually in front. We were married in the middle of December. |
midway | In between one thing and another in character. The leaves have a unique smell midway between eucalyptus and mint. |
pivot | A movement in which the player holding the ball may move in any direction with one foot while keeping the other the pivot foot in contact with the floor. The pivot of community life was the chapel. |
point | A value assigned to certain cards 4 points for an ace 3 for a king 2 for a queen and 1 for a jack sometimes with extra points for long or short suits by a player in assessing the strength of their hand. He broke the point of his pencil. |
prime | Cover with a primer apply a primer to. Prime number. |
significance | The message that is intended or expressed or signified. Adolescent education was felt to be a social issue of some significance. |
significant | Rich in significance or implication. A significant change in tax laws. |
signification | The representation or conveying of meaning. Film comes closer than other forms of signification to resemblance of reality. |
strategic | Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them. Strategic withdrawal. |
swivel | Turn around a point or axis or on a swivel. She swivelled her eyes round. |
tantamount | Being essentially equal to something. His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt. |
thereabout | Near that time or date. Come at noon or thereabouts. |