Need another word that means the same as “please”? Find 28 synonyms and 30 related words for “please” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Please” are: delight, welcome, fine, make happy, give pleasure to, make someone content, make someone glad, make someone pleased, make someone feel good, charm, amuse, divert, entertain, be agreeable to, gladden, cheer up, like, want, wish, desire, see fit, think fit, choose, be inclined, will, prefer, opt, if you please
Please as a Verb
Definitions of "Please" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “please” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Give satisfaction.
- Satisfy aesthetically.
- Cause to feel happy and satisfied.
- Be the will of or have the will (to.
- Wish or desire to do something.
- It is someone's choice to do something.
- Take only one's own wishes into consideration in deciding how to act or proceed.
- Give pleasure to or be pleasing to.

Synonyms of "Please" as a verb (27 Words)
amuse | Provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for (someone); entertain. The hotel has planned many activities to amuse its guests. |
be agreeable to | Be identical or equivalent to. |
be inclined | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
charm | Induce into action by using one s charm. She will charm your warts away. |
cheer up | Cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful. |
choose | Pick out select or choose from a number of alternatives. I ll stay as long as I choose. |
delight | Take delight in. An experience guaranteed to delight both young and old. |
desire | Express a desire for. There had been a time years ago when he had desired her. |
divert | (of a vehicle or person) change course. A scheme to divert water from the river to irrigate agricultural land. |
entertain | Provide entertainment for. A private dining room where members could entertain groups of friends. |
fine | Issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty. She d certainly fined down her face was thinner. |
give pleasure to | Inflict as a punishment. |
gladden | Become glad or happy. The high childish laugh was a sound that gladdened her heart. |
like | Prefer or wish to do something. Would you like to come along to the movies. |
make happy | Give certain properties to something. |
make someone content | Gather and light the materials for. |
make someone feel good | Head into a specified direction. |
make someone glad | Form by assembling individuals or constituents. |
make someone pleased | Be suitable for. |
opt | Select as an alternative over another. Pupils opting to continue with physics. |
prefer | Give preference to one creditor over another. Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels. |
see fit | See and understand, have a good eye. |
think fit | Decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting. |
want | Hunt or look for want for a particular reason. Your former neighbor is wanted by the FBI. |
welcome | Bid welcome to greet upon arrival. I welcome your proposals. |
will | Expressing desire consent or willingness. This action was willed and intended. |
wish | Make or express a wish. I wish that Christmas were over. |

Usage Examples of "Please" as a verb
- It pleased him to be seen with someone in the news.
- The waiters around her aim to please.
- He was wearing a buttonhole that did not quite please the eye.
- Instead of attending the meeting, it pleased him to go off hunting.
- He could do many things if he pleased.
- She was quiet and eager to please.
- He arranged a fishing trip to please his son.
- This is the first time in ages that I can just please myself.
- These colors please the senses.
- Feel free to wander around as you please.

Please as an Adverb
Definitions of "Please" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “please” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- Used in polite or emphatic acceptance of an offer.
- Used to add urgency and emotion to a request.
- Used in polite requests or questions.
- Used to ask someone to stop doing something of which the speaker disapproves.
- Used to agree politely to a request.
- Used in polite request.
- Used to express incredulity or irritation.

Synonyms of "Please" as an adverb (1 Word)
if you please | Used in polite request. |

Usage Examples of "Please" as an adverb
- ‘May I ring you at home?’ ‘Please do.
- Please, please come home!
- Please address letters to the Editor.
- Oh please, is that meant to be a serious argument?
- What type of fish is this, please?
- ‘Would you like a drink?’ ‘Yes, please.
- Rita, please—people are looking.

Associations of "Please" (30 Words)
amuse | Cause (someone) to find something funny. The hotel has planned many activities to amuse its guests. |
appeal | Entreaty. A look of appeal on his face. |
beg | Acquire food or money from someone by begging. Beg the point in the discussion. |
blessedness | The state of being blessed with divine favour. |
clemency | Good weather with comfortable temperatures. An appeal for clemency. |
contentment | A state of happiness and satisfaction. He found contentment in living a simple life in the country. |
delectation | A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction. They had all manner of rock n roll goodies for our delectation. |
delight | Take delight in. He delights in his granddaughter. |
disport | Diversion from work or serious matters; recreation or amusement. The display of these pageants and disports which enlivened the repast. |
ecstasy | A state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion- Charles Dickens. There was a look of ecstasy on his face. |
enjoy | Derive or receive pleasure from get enjoyment from take pleasure in. I could never enjoy myself knowing you were in your room alone. |
entertain | Provide entertainment for. Entertain interesting notions. |
entreaty | Earnest or urgent request. An entreaty to stop the fighting. |
exult | To express great joy. Exulting in her escape Lisa closed the door behind her. |
gaiety | Entertainments or amusements. He seemed to be a part of the gaiety having a wonderful time. |
gladden | Make glad. The high childish laugh was a sound that gladdened her heart. |
gratification | Pleasure, especially when gained from the satisfaction of a desire. Dull repetitious work gives no gratification. |
gratify | Give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction. She was gratified to see the shock in Jim's eyes. |
happiness | State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Tom s heart swelled with happiness. |
joy | Feel happiness or joy. A joy to behold. |
jubilate | Celebrate a jubilee. Sing and jubilate aloud before God. |
mirth | Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. His six foot frame shook with mirth. |
plea | A formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant or prisoner, stating guilt or innocence in response to a charge, offering an allegation of fact, or claiming that a point of law should apply. He made a dramatic plea for disarmament. |
pleasure | Derive enjoyment from. The touch of his fingers gave her such pleasure. |
pray | Address a deity a prophet a saint or an object of worship say a prayer. I prayed that James wouldn t notice. |
rapture | (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ. The tabloids went into raptures about her. |
rejoice | Cause joy to. He rejoiced in her spontaneity. |
suppliant | Humbly entreating. A suppliant for her favors. |
supplicate | Ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly. Supplicate God s blessing. |
supplication | A prayer asking God’s help as part of a religious service. He fell to his knees in supplication. |