Need another word that means the same as “politician”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “politician” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Politician” are: pol, politico, legislator, member of parliament, mp, representative, minister, statesman, stateswoman, lawmaker, public servant, office-bearer
Politician as a Noun
Definitions of "Politician" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “politician” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office.
- A schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways.
- A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.
- A leader engaged in civil administration.
- A person active in party politics.

Synonyms of "Politician" as a noun (12 Words)
lawmaker | A legislator. The game s official lawmakers are preparing the new legislation. |
legislator | A person who makes laws; a member of a legislative body. Statutes went unread by the legislators who passed them. |
member of parliament | An external body part that projects from the body. |
minister | A person or thing used to achieve or convey something. A minister of the Lutheran church. |
mp | A member of the military police who polices soldiers and guards prisoners. |
office-bearer | The person who holds an office. |
pol | A person active in party politics. He was the kind of pol you could understand. |
politico | A politician or person with strong political views. An opponent of trendy left politicos. |
public servant | A body of people sharing some common interest. |
representative | A delegate who attends a conference, negotiations, etc., so as to represent the interests of another person or group. A sales representative for Norwich Union. |
statesman | A skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure. Guests included members of the European royal families, diplomats, and statesmen. |
stateswoman | A skilled, experienced, and respected female political leader or figure. A senior stateswoman. |

Usage Examples of "Politician" as a noun
- A veteran communist politician.
- A local politician.

Associations of "Politician" (30 Words)
anarchist | A person who advocates or promotes anarchism or anarchy. An anarchist newspaper. |
businessman | A man who works in commerce, especially at executive level. |
capitalist | Of or relating to capitalism or capitalists. Capitalistic methods and incentives. |
chauvinist | A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism. I asked him what he thought about women s capabilities knowing his chauvinist tendencies. |
communist | A member of the communist party. I was very left wing but I was never a communist. |
consul | (in ancient Rome) each of the two annually elected chief magistrates who jointly ruled the republic. The British consul in Israel. |
coup | (among some North American Indian peoples) an act of touching an armed enemy in battle as a deed of bravery, or an act of first touching an item of the enemy’s in order to claim it. It was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract. |
demagogue | Rhetorically exploit (an issue) for political purposes in a way calculated to appeal to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people. The Athenian demagogues had definite and valuable functions within the state. |
democratic | (in the US) relating to the Democratic Party. A democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords. |
devoted | Zealous in devotion or affection. Devoted friends. |
diplomat | A person who can deal with others in a sensitive and tactful way. |
diplomatic | Using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people. A diplomatic transcription. |
diplomatist | An official engaged in international negotiations. |
entrepreneur | Someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it. Many entrepreneurs see potential in this market. |
freemason | A member of a widespread secret fraternal order pledged to mutual assistance and brotherly love. |
industrialist | Someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise. The exploitation of child labour by nineteenth century industrialists. |
jingo | A vociferous supporter of policy favouring war, especially in the name of patriotism. The feverish excitement of the jingo crowds. |
libertarian | An advocate of libertarianism. He holds libertarian views on most social issues. |
mason | A Freemason. The chief mason at Westminster Abbey. |
nation | The people who live in a nation or country. The Shawnee nation. |
nationalist | Relating to nationalists or nationalism. Minor nationalistic differences. |
nihilist | Someone who rejects all theories of morality or religious belief. It is impossible to argue against a nihilist. |
official | Of a church given official status as a national or state institution. A union official. |
patriot | A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. A true patriot. |
patriotic | Having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country. Today s game will be played before a fiercely patriotic crowd. |
revolutionary | Relating to a particular revolution, especially the War of American Independence. The revolutionary army. |
socialist | Advocating or following the socialist principles. Socialistic government. |
statesman | A skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure. Guests included members of the European royal families, diplomats, and statesmen. |
subversive | A subversive person. Subversive literature. |
successful | Having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome. A successful actor. |