Need another word that means the same as “possessed”? Find 3 synonyms and 30 related words for “possessed” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Possessed” are: obsessed, demoniac, demoniacal
Possessed as an Adjective
Definitions of "Possessed" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “possessed” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Of, pertaining to, or like a demon or possession by a demon.
- (of a person) completely controlled by an evil spirit.
- Influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion.

Synonyms of "Possessed" as an adjective (3 Words)
demoniac | Of, pertaining to, or like a demon or possession by a demon. Demoniac rage. |
demoniacal | Relating to or characteristic of a demon or evil spirit. Towards midnight a demoniacal shriek was heard. |
obsessed | Having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something. Was absolutely obsessed with the girl. |

Usage Examples of "Possessed" as an adjective
- She ran like a possessed person.
- By love possessed.

Associations of "Possessed" (30 Words)
ability | The quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment. A man of exceptional ability. |
accept | Make use of or accept for some purpose. I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions. |
acceptance | The process or fact of being received as adequate, valid, or suitable. He anticipated their acceptance of his offer. |
acquire | Learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality. I ve acquired a taste for whisky. |
acquirement | The action of acquiring something. The acquirement of self control. |
addressee | The person to whom something is addressed. The contents of the letters were calculated to cause distress to the individual addressee. |
belong | Be due to. The race belonged completely to Fogarty. |
bring | Bring into a different state. She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings. |
broach | Raise (a difficult subject) for discussion. Boxed wines will remain in good condition for up to four months once broached. |
clutch | A clutch bag. She made a clutch at his body. |
dispossess | (in sport) deprive (a player) of the ball. A champion of the poor and the dispossessed. |
fetch | The action of fetching. The land could fetch over a million pounds. |
get | Take vengeance on or get even. His lying really gets me. |
grab | Capture the attention or imagination of. They used the law to effect a land grab. |
have | Have a personal or business relationship with someone. Are you going to have a party. |
own | Have ownership or possession of. I used to design all my own clothes. |
picking | The act of picking crops or fruit or hops etc. He sent the first picking of berries to the market. |
possession | (sport) the act of controlling the ball (or puck. The landlord wishes to gain possession of the accommodation. |
procure | Get by special effort. He haunted railway stations to procure young girls for immoral purposes. |
proprietorship | An unincorporated business owned by a single person who is responsible for its liabilities and entitled to its profits. Plenty of new firms especially sole proprietorships don t make money in their first few years of operation. |
receive | Receive a specified treatment abstract. Receive injuries. |
receptiveness | Willingness or readiness to receive (especially impressions or ideas. He was testing the government s receptiveness to reform. |
resignedly | With resignation and acceptance; in a resigned manner. |
retention | The action of absorbing and continuing to hold a substance. The soil s retention of moisture. |
secure | Financially sound. The division secured a major contract. |
select | Selected or chosen for special qualifications. The commonest phenotype in a population can be selected against. |
sequestrate | Legally place (the property of a bankrupt) in the hands of a trustee for division among the creditors. Two more poll tax rebels were sequestrated. |
supplant | Take the place or move into the position of. The computer has supplanted the slide rule. |
take | Take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs. Some people found her hard to take. |
unavailable | Not available or accessible or at hand. Fresh milk was unavailable during the emergency. |