Need another word that means the same as “preceding”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “preceding” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Preceding” are: past, retiring, foregoing, previous, prior, former, precursory, earlier, above, above-mentioned, aforementioned, above-named, antecedent
Preceding as an Adjective
Definitions of "Preceding" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “preceding” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Coming before something in order, position, or time.
- Existing or coming before.
- Of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office.

Synonyms of "Preceding" as an adjective (13 Words)
above | Appearing earlier in the same text. Flaws in the above interpretation. |
above-mentioned | Mentioned or named earlier in the same text. |
above-named | Mentioned or named earlier in the same text. |
aforementioned | Being the one previously mentioned or spoken of. Works of all the aforementioned authors. |
antecedent | Denoting or counting as an antecedent. Antecedent events. |
earlier | Very young. His earlier work reflects the influence of his teacher. |
foregoing | Just mentioned or stated; preceding. The foregoing analysis of the economic class structure. |
former | Denoting the first or first mentioned of two people or things. The former president. |
past | (of a specified period of time) occurring before and leading up to the time of speaking or writing. His youth is past. |
precursory | Warning of future misfortune. Precursory seismic activity. |
previous | Just preceding something else in time or order. The boat s previous owner. |
prior | Earlier in time. He has a prior engagement this evening. |
retiring | Of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office. A gentle retiring person who avoided conflict. |

Usage Examples of "Preceding" as an adjective
- A growth in sales above those of the preceding year.
- The preceding pages.

Associations of "Preceding" (30 Words)
above | An earlier section of a written text. For instructions refer to the above. |
antecedence | Preceding in time. |
antecedent | Denoting or counting as an antecedent. Phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience. |
antedate | Establish something as being earlier relative to something else. There are no references to him that would antedate his birth. |
anterior | Coming before in time; earlier. An incident anterior to her troubles. |
before | At or in the front. I had known her before. |
beforehand | Ahead of time; in anticipation. Was beforehand with her report. |
first | The first element in a countable series. The first time. |
forego | Be earlier in time; go back further. |
forerunner | A sign or warning of something to come. The ice safe was a forerunner of today s refrigerator. |
former | Referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several. I take the former view. |
formerly | At a previous time. Mumbai formerly Bombay. |
front | Be or stand in front of. The fronting of au was completed a couple of generations ago. |
harbinger | A forerunner of something. Witch hazels are the harbingers of spring. |
herald | A brown moth with dull orange markings, often hibernating in houses and old buildings. They considered the first primroses as the herald of spring. |
introductory | Serving as a base or starting point. Began the slide show with some introductory remarks. |
precede | Move ahead (of others) in time or space. Bill preceded John in the long line of Susan s husbands. |
precedence | The order to be ceremonially observed by people of different rank, according to an acknowledged or legally determined system. Quarrels over precedence among the Bonaparte family marred the coronation. |
precedent | A system of jurisprudence based on judicial precedents rather than statutory laws. There are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training. |
precursor | A person who goes before or announces the coming of another. Pepsinogen is the inactive precursor of pepsin. |
predate | Be earlier in time; go back further. These mammals predate certain eggs. |
predecessor | Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone. The new President s foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor. |
preface | Provide a book with a preface. The book is prefaced by a quotation from William Faulkner. |
prefatory | Serving as an introduction or preface. In his prefatory remarks the author claims that. |
prematurely | Too soon; in a premature manner. I spoke prematurely. |
previous | Previous convictions a criminal record. She looked tired after her exertions of the previous evening. |
previously | At an earlier time or formerly. She had previously lived in Chicago. |
prior | The head of a religious order in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot. He had no juvenile record no priors. |
priority | Status established in order of importance or urgency. The safety of the country takes priority over any other matter. |
untimely | Too soon; in a premature manner. The moment was very untimely chosen. |