PRESSURED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PRESSURED?

Need another word that means the same as “pressured”? Find 30 related words for “pressured” in this overview.

Associations of "Pressured" (30 Words)

accentuateMake more noticeable or prominent.
His jacket unfortunately accentuated his paunch.
compactHave the property of being packable or of compacting easily.
Compact soil.
compactlyWith concise and precise brevity; to the point.
He wrote compactly but clearly.
compressA cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever.
She compressed her lips.
compressedReduced in volume by pressure.
With lips compressed.
condenseCause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid.
The moisture vapour in the air condenses into droplets of water.
constrictBecome tight or as if tight.
Boas constrict and suffocate their prey.
disharmonyLack of harmony or agreement.
We will become evermore a nation of social disharmony.
emphasizeGive extra weight to (a communication.
A hip length jacket which emphasized her shape.
emphaticallyIn a forceful way.
No way he said emphatically.
exertHave and exercise.
The moon exerts a force on the Earth.
highlightMark with a highlighter.
The issues highlighted by the report.
importanceThe quality of being important and worthy of note.
An issue of great importance.
imprintA distinctive influence.
Years in the colonies had left their imprint.
intensionWhat you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression.
minimizeRepresent or estimate at less than the true value or importance.
The aim is to minimize costs.
overburdenBurden with too much work or responsibility.
They were overburdened with luggage.
painsAn effortful attempt to attain a goal.
pressedCompacted by ironing.
Immaculately pressed trousers.
refrigerantAny substance used to provide cooling (as in a refrigerator.
A refrigerant substance such as ice or solid carbon dioxide.
siftAn act of sifting something especially so as to isolate that which is most important.
Sift the flour into a large bowl.
squashEdible fruit of a squash plant eaten as a vegetable.
She squashed some of her clothes inside the bag.
squeezeSqueeze someone tightly in your arms usually with fondness.
She squeezed herself into her tightest pair of jeans.
strainRub through a strainer or process in an electric blender.
His voice was so quiet that I had to strain to hear it.
stressThe degree of stress measured in units of force per unit area.
This type of workout does stress the shoulder and knee joints.
tensionElectromotive force.
A mind which is affected by stress or tension cannot think as clearly.
tightenNarrow or limit.
Central government has tightened control over local authority spending.
underlineDraw a line or lines underneath to call attention to.
The improvement in retail sales was underlined by these figures.
underscore(on a computer or typewriter keyboard) a short horizontal line _ on the baseline.
The company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.
wrenchTurn something especially a nut or bolt with a wrench.
Wrench oneself free from somebody s grip.

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