Need another word that means the same as “prevalent”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “prevalent” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Prevalent” are: dominant, predominant, prevailing, rife, widespread, frequent, usual, common, general, universal, pervasive, extensive, ubiquitous, ordinary, in control, more powerful, most powerful, superior, supreme, ascendant, in the ascendancy
Prevalent as an Adjective
Definitions of "Prevalent" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “prevalent” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Predominant; powerful.
- Most frequent or common.
- Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

Synonyms of "Prevalent" as an adjective (21 Words)
ascendant | (of a planet, zodiacal degree, or sign) on or close to the intersection of the ecliptic with the eastern horizon. Rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage. |
common | Having no special distinction or quality widely known or commonly encountered average or ordinary or usual. A common soldier. |
dominant | Denoting the predominant species in a plant or animal community. Red spruce is a dominant species in many types of forest. |
extensive | Covering or affecting a large area. They suffered extensive damage. |
frequent | Frequently encountered. A frequent or common error is using the transitive verb lay for the intransitive lie. |
general | Prevailing among and common to the general public. A general anesthetic. |
in control | Directed or bound inward. |
in the ascendancy | Holding office. |
more powerful | Quantifier meaning greater in number. |
most powerful | Quantifier meaning the greatest in number. |
ordinary | (especially of a judge or bishop) exercising authority by virtue of office and not by deputation. It was just an ordinary evening. |
pervasive | Spreading or spread throughout. An error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion. |
predominant | Most frequent or common. The predominant political forces. |
prevailing | Most frequent or common. The unfavourable prevailing economic conditions. |
rife | (especially of something undesirable) of common occurrence; widespread. Male chauvinism was rife in medicine. |
superior | Of high or superior quality or performance. Superior officer. |
supreme | Very good at or well known for a specified activity. Our comrades who made the supreme sacrifice. |
ubiquitous | Present, appearing, or found everywhere. Cowboy hats are ubiquitous among the male singers. |
universal | Adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations. The incidents caused universal concern. |
usual | Commonly encountered. He carried out his usual evening routine. |
widespread | Widely circulated or diffused. Widespread fear of nuclear war. |

Usage Examples of "Prevalent" as an adjective
- The social ills prevalent in society today.

Associations of "Prevalent" (30 Words)
banal | Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Songs with banal repeated words. |
banality | The fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality. There is an essential banality to the story he tells. |
bromide | A reproduction or piece of typesetting on bromide paper. Feel good bromides create the illusion of problem solving. |
common | Having no special distinction or quality widely known or commonly encountered average or ordinary or usual. The common people in those days suffered greatly. |
commonplace | A notable passage in a work copied into a commonplace book. Unemployment was commonplace in his trade. |
dominance | The predominance of one or more species in a plant or animal community. All had in conformity with the principle of dominance round seeds with yellow cotyledons. |
dominant | Denoting the predominant species in a plant or animal community. Red spruce is a dominant species in many types of forest. |
frequent | Frequently encountered. The showers will become heavier and more frequent. |
general | A general officer of the highest rank. General assistance. |
generalization | Transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus. He was making sweeping generalizations. |
hackneyed | Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Hackneyed phrases. |
mediocrity | A person of second-rate ability or value. The team suddenly came good after years of mediocrity. |
nationwide | Occurring or extending throughout a country or nation. A nationwide hunt. |
normal | Conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm not abnormal. Many previously normal people exhibit psychotic symptoms after a few nights without sleep. |
omnipresent | (of God) present everywhere at the same time. The omnipresent threat of natural disasters. |
ordinary | A penny-farthing bicycle. Not out of the ordinary. |
pervasive | Spreading or spread throughout. The pervasive odor of garlic. |
platitude | A trite or obvious remark. She began uttering liberal platitudes. |
predominate | Having superior power and influence. Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood. |
preponderance | Exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight. The preponderance of wealth and power. |
prevail | Persuade (someone) to do something. The champion prevailed though it was a hard fight. |
prevailing | Existing at a particular time; current. The prevailing mood within Whitehall circles. |
prevalence | A superiority in numbers or amount. He was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future. |
rife | Excessively abundant. Male chauvinism was rife in medicine. |
typical | Representative as a symbol; symbolic. A typical suburban community. |
ubiquitous | Being present everywhere at once. His ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family. |
ubiquity | The state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once. The ubiquity of mobile phones means you don t really need a watch. |
unexceptional | Not special in any way; lacking distinction. A unexceptional an incident as can be found in a lawyer s career. |
unremarkable | Found in the ordinary course of events. An unremarkable house. |
widespread | Distributed over a considerable extent. A widespread doctrine. |