PREVENTS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PREVENTS?

Need another word that means the same as “prevents”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “prevents” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Prevents” are: keep, forbid, foreclose, forestall, preclude

Prevents as a Verb

Definitions of "Prevents" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “prevents” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state.
  • Keep from happening or arising; make impossible.

Synonyms of "Prevents" as a verb (5 Words)

forbid(of a circumstance or quality) make (something) impossible; prevent.
All vehicles are forbidden.
forecloseKeep from happening or arising; make impossible.
The decision effectively foreclosed any possibility of his early rehabilitation.
forestallAct in advance of; deal with ahead of time.
They will present their resignations to forestall a vote of no confidence.
keepStore or keep customarily.
She keeps a sixpack and a week s worth of supplies in the refrigerator.
preclude(of a situation or condition) prevent someone from doing something.
The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition.

Usage Examples of "Prevents" as a verb

  • We must prevent the cancer from spreading.

Associations of "Prevents" (30 Words)

airsicknessMotion sickness experienced while traveling by air (especially during turbulence.
avertPrevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening.
She averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation.
avoidDeclare invalid.
Her former friends now avoid her.
blockadeImpose a blockade on.
They voted to lift the blockade of major railway junctions.
circumventionThe act of evading by going around.
Circumvention of the rules undermines any fairness.
deterDiscourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
Strategists think not only about how to deter war but about how war might occur.
dislodgementForced removal from a position of advantage.
embarrassCause to be embarrassed cause to feel self conscious.
The state of the rivers will embarrass the enemy.
firewallProtect a network or system from unauthorized access with a firewall.
Our security products offer integral firewalling.
forbidRefuse to allow (something.
I forbid you to call me late at night.
forecloseTake away someone’s power to redeem (a mortgage) and take possession of the mortgaged property.
The decision effectively foreclosed any possibility of his early rehabilitation.
forestallBuy up (goods) in order to profit by an enhanced price.
They will present their resignations to forestall a vote of no confidence.
forfendAvert or prevent (something evil or unpleasant.
The fiend forfend said the grim Earl.
fungicideA chemical that destroys fungus.
Cut away any rotten parts before dusting with fungicide.
hamperA basket or box containing food for a special occasion.
A laundry hamper.
hinderHinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.
The hinder part of a carcass.
illegalizeDeclare illegal; outlaw.
impedeDelay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.
The sap causes swelling which can impede breathing.
inhibitControl and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior.
They felt inhibited by the presence of healthcare professionals.
insecticideA chemical used to kill insects.
The use of chemical insecticides.
insulatePlace or set apart.
The service is insulated from outside pressures.
insulationThe state of being isolated or detached.
Keep your home warmer through insulation.
lightproofAble to block out light completely.
A lightproof envelope.
obstruct(in various sports) impede (a player in the opposing team) in a manner which constitutes an offence.
Fears that the regime would obstruct the distribution of food.
occludeBlock passage through.
It is placed at eye level with one eye occluded.
preclude(of a situation or condition) prevent someone from doing something.
The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition.
prophylacticCapable of preventing conception or impregnation.
The swastika a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples.
stonewallObstruct or hinder any discussion.
I have repeatedly given him the opportunity to clear this matter up but the estate has met with stonewall after stonewall.
stymieHinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.
The changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments.
thwartPrevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
The government had been able to thwart all attempts by opposition leaders to form new parties.

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