Need another word that means the same as “proliferation”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “proliferation” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Proliferation” are: increase, expansion, augmentation, multiplication, enlargement, amplification, mushrooming, snowballing, rise, escalation, rapid increase, growth, spread, buildout
Proliferation as a Noun
Definitions of "Proliferation" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “proliferation” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons.
- Rapid reproduction of a cell, part, or organism.
- Growth by the rapid multiplication of parts.
- Rapid increase in the number or amount of something.
- A large number of something.

Synonyms of "Proliferation" as a noun (14 Words)
amplification | The amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input. The words no real prospect of succeeding do not need any amplification. |
augmentation | The action or process of making or becoming greater in size or amount. The augmentation of the curriculum with new subjects. |
buildout | The growth, development, or expansion of something. The rapid buildout of digital technology. |
enlargement | The state of being enlarged. Talks on the enlargement of the EU. |
escalation | A rapid increase; a rise. An escalation of violence. |
expansion | Adding information or detail. A small expansion of industry. |
growth | The process of increasing in amount, value, or importance. All growths within the legally delimited Champagne zone are classified. |
increase | The amount by which something increases. They proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare. |
multiplication | The process or skill of multiplying. Repeated copying leads to a multiplication of errors. |
mushrooming | Fleshy body of any of numerous edible fungi. Our main concern is the mushrooming of unregulated hand car wash businesses. |
rapid increase | A part of a river where the current is very fast. |
rise | The property possessed by a slope or surface that rises. I gained the crest of a rise and saw the plain stretched out before me. |
spread | A bedspread. The spread between lending and borrowing costs. |

Usage Examples of "Proliferation" as a noun
- Stress levels are high, forcing upon them a proliferation of ailments.
- A continuing threat of nuclear proliferation.
- The proliferation of nuclear weapons.
- We attempted to measure cell proliferation.

Associations of "Proliferation" (30 Words)
asunder | Widely separated especially in space. Torn asunder. |
broad | Broad in scope or content T G Winner. A broad political stance. |
diffuse | Spread or diffuse through. The second argument is more diffuse. |
diffusion | The intermingling of substances by the natural movement of their particles. The rapid diffusion of ideas and technology. |
dispel | Make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear. Dispel doubts. |
dispersal | The act of dispersing or diffusing something. Colleges had made large dispersals and the shops were filled with books. |
disperse | Denoting a phase dispersed in another phase as in a colloid. Winds dispersed the radioactive cloud high in the atmosphere. |
dispersed | Distributed or spread over a considerable extent. Has ties with many widely dispersed friends. |
dispersion | Spreading widely or driving off. The study looks at the dispersion of earnings with OECD member countries. |
disseminate | Spread (something, especially information) widely. There is a subset of these low grade tumours that can disseminate and migrate. |
dissemination | The opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate. The dissemination of public information. |
dissipate | Move away from each other. The cloud of smoke dissipated. |
distribution | The commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer. Strength has two ingredients high cards and distribution. |
diversify | Vary in order to spread risk or to expand. New plants will diversify the habitat. |
effluence | The process of flowing out. |
expand | Expand the influence of. Their business expanded into other hotels. |
exponentially | (with reference to an increase) more and more rapidly. Values distributed exponentially according to a given time constant. |
imbue | Fill soak or imbue totally. His works are invariably imbued with a sense of calm and serenity. |
intersperse | Scatter among or between other things; place here and there. The debate was interspersed with angry exchanges. |
peak | Reach a highest point, either of a specified value or at a specified time. The disease peaked in summer. |
pervasiveness | The quality of spreading widely or being present throughout an area or a group of people. The pervasiveness of the odor of cabbage in tenement hallways. |
proliferate | Increase rapidly in number; multiply. Pizza parlors proliferate in this area. |
scatter | The act of scattering. He charged across the foyer scattering people. |
scattered | Occurring or found at intervals or various locations rather than all together. The forecast is for scattered showers. |
spray | Cover by spraying with a liquid. Spray water on someone. |
spread | Become distributed or widespread. The violence spread from the city centre to the suburbs. |
spreading | Act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time. |
sprinkle | Rain gently. The rain grew from a mere sprinkle to a respectable drizzle. |
strew | Cover (a surface or area) with untidily scattered things. Dead bodies strewed the ground. |
suffuse | Cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across. His whole frame suffused with a cold dew. |