PROVIDENCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROVIDENCE?

Need another word that means the same as “providence”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “providence” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Providence” are: capital of rhode island, fate, destiny, nemesis, kismet, god's will, divine intervention, predestination, predetermination, prudence, foresight, forethought, judgement, judiciousness, shrewdness, circumspection, wisdom, sagacity, common sense, precaution, caution, care, carefulness

Providence as a Noun

Definitions of "Providence" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “providence” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The capital and largest city of Rhode Island; located in northeastern Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay; site of Brown University.
  • God or nature as providing protective care.
  • The prudence and care exercised by someone in the management of resources.
  • Timely preparation for future eventualities.
  • A manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures.
  • The protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.
  • The guardianship and control exercised by a deity.

Synonyms of "Providence" as a noun (23 Words)

capital of rhode islandA seat of government.
careThe provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
He wrote the manual on car care.
carefulnessThe quality of being careful and painstaking.
I admired the carefulness of his work.
cautionThe trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger.
You re a caution you are she said.
circumspectionKnowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress.
Circumspection is required in the day to day exercise of administrative powers.
common senseA piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area.
destinyThe hidden power believed to control future events; fate.
She was unable to control her own destiny.
divine interventionA clergyman or other person in religious orders.
fateThe course of someone’s life, or the outcome of a situation for someone or something, seen as outside their control.
The guards led her to her fate.
foresightSeeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing.
He had the foresight to check that his escape route was clear.
forethoughtPlanning or plotting in advance of acting.
Jim had the forethought to book in advance.
god's willA legal document declaring a person’s wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die.
judgementThe mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations.
That is not in my judgement the end of the matter.
judiciousnessGood judgment.
kismetThe will of Allah.
What chance did I stand against kismet.
nemesisThe inescapable agent of someone’s or something’s downfall.
Will Harry Potter finally defeat his nemesis Voldemort.
precautionA precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.
He put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution.
predestinationBeing determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind.
predetermination(theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind.
He entered the argument with a predetermination to prove me wrong.
prudenceKnowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress.
We need to exercise prudence in such important matters.
sagacityThe trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating.
A man of great political sagacity.
shrewdnessThe quality of having or showing good powers of judgement.
He is a man of some tactical shrewdness.
wisdomAn Apocryphal book consisting mainly of a meditation on wisdom although ascribed to Solomon it was probably written in the first century BC.
Listen to his words of wisdom.

Usage Examples of "Providence" as a noun

  • I live out my life as Providence decrees.
  • They found their trust in divine providence to be a source of comfort.
  • It was considered a duty to encourage providence.
  • Divine providence.

Associations of "Providence" (30 Words)

boroughEach of five divisions of New York City.
cityA town created a city by charter and usually containing a cathedral.
Ancient Troy was a great city.
constituencyAn area whose voters elect a representative to a legislative body.
A parliamentary candidate in the Hampstead and Highgate constituency.
countyA sporting team playing for a county.
Administration at county level.
districtA division of a county or region that elects its own councillors.
An elegant shopping district.
divineResulting from divine providence.
Divine guidance.
domesticConverted or adapted to domestic use.
Domesticated plants like maize.
downtownIn or into a downtown area.
A downtown bar.
enfranchiseGive (a town) the right to be represented in Parliament.
Slaves were enfranchised in the mid 19th century.
farsightedPlanning prudently for the future.
Large goals that required farsighted policies.
lakeA pool of liquid.
The EU wine lake.
limerickA humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba.
localA local branch of an organization especially a trade union.
A local infection.
localityA surrounding or nearby region.
A working class locality.
metropolitanRelating to or denoting a metropolitan or his see.
A metropolitan bishop.
miraculousPeculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention.
A miraculous cure.
municipalRelating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality.
International law only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law.
neighborhoodThe approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of.
An ethnic neighborhood.
planMake a design of plan out in systematic often graphic form.
The plans for City Hall were on file.
populousHaving a large population; densely populated.
The populous city of Shanghai.
prospectiveLikely to happen at a future date.
She showed a prospective buyer around the house.
provincialAn inhabitant of a province of a country or empire.
The general of the Jesuits receives monthly reports from the provincials.
quarterDisplay different coats of arms in quarters of a shield especially to show arms inherited from heiresses who have married into the bearer s family.
He dropped a word in the right quarter.
subdivideDivide into smaller and smaller pieces.
This apartment cannot be subdivided any further.
superhumanAbove or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance.
Superhuman strength.
townThe particular town under consideration especially one s own town.
Churchill was in town.
urbanIn, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.
An urban comedy.
wardThe grooves in the bit of a key that correspond to the wards in a lock.
I saw them keeping ward at one of those huge gates.
welshFail to honour (a debt or obligation incurred through a promise or agreement.
Banks began welshing on their agreement not to convert dollar reserves into gold.
willPronounced stressing will indicating annoyance about the habitual behaviour described.
You will regret it when you are older.

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