PUNCTUATED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PUNCTUATED?

Need another word that means the same as “punctuated”? Find 30 related words for “punctuated” in this overview.

Associations of "Punctuated" (30 Words)

amazementThe feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising.
She shook her head in amazement.
ampereA former unit of electric current slightly smaller than the SI ampere.
ampersandA punctuation mark (&) used to represent conjunction (and.
apostropheAddress to an absent or imaginary person.
astonishmentGreat surprise.
He looked at me in astonishment.
bookmarkA record of the address of a website, file, or other data made to enable quick access in future.
Fans will want to bookmark this site.
commaAnglewing butterfly with a comma shaped mark on the underside of each hind wing.
diacriticalCapable of distinguishing- S.F.Nadel.
dotScatter or intersperse like dots or studs.
You can turn a reel into a hornpipe by slowing it down a bit and dotting the quavers.
embodyForm (people) into a body, especially for military purposes.
Nothing of the personality of the Spirit as embodied in Jesus will be lost.
exclamationAn abrupt excited utterance.
An exclamation of amazement.
grammarA book on grammar.
It was not bad grammar just dialect.
indexProvide with an index.
The list indexes theses under regional headings.
indicantA thing which indicates something.
Symptoms are the prime indicants of disease.
indicationThe act of indicating or pointing out by name.
Indications of strain.
labelAttach a label to something.
The label modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture.
markMake small marks into the surface of.
They re made from a woven surface which doesn t mark or tear.
outcryAn exclamation or shout.
An outcry of spontaneous passion.
punctuationThe use of certain marks to clarify meaning of written material by grouping words grammatically into sentences and clauses and phrases.
You will notice that no punctuation is used.
quotationThe action of quoting from a text, speech, piece of music, or work of art.
A quotation from Mark Twain.
signpostMark with a signpost as of a path.
Shorts remain the fashion signpost of summer s arrival.
slashMove or stir about violently.
A tyre was slashed on my car.
spellingThe process or activity of writing or naming the letters of a word.
Her spelling was deplorable.
The chemical symbol for helium is He.
tagAttach a tag or label to.
You can easily add tags to photos en masse.
ticketOf a passenger be issued with a travel ticket.
The sports jacket had been ticketed at two hundred dollars.
typographicRelating to or occurring or used in typography.
A typographical error.
typographicalRelating to or occurring or used in typography.
A typographical error.
wealMark with a weal.
She slapped his cheek and a bright red weal sprang up on it.
wordThe divine word of God the second person in the Trinity incarnate in Jesus.
He gave his word.

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