Need another word that means the same as “rationalize”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “rationalize” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Rationalize” are: cut, prune, rationalise, apologise, apologize, excuse, justify, explain, explain away, account for, defend, vindicate, make excuses for, make allowances for, give an explanation for, provide a rationale for, make acceptable, streamline, make more efficient, improve the running of, trim, slim down, hone, make economies in, reduce wastage in, simplify, reorganize
Rationalize as a Verb
Definitions of "Rationalize" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rationalize” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Attempt to explain or justify (behaviour or an attitude) with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.
- Weed out unwanted or unnecessary things.
- Think rationally; employ logic or reason.
- Remove irrational quantities from.
- Defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning.
- Reorganize (a process or system) so as to make it more logical and consistent.
- Convert (a function or expression) to a rational form.
- Structure and run according to rational or scientific principles in order to achieve desired results.
- Make (a company, process, or industry) more efficient, especially by dispensing with superfluous personnel or equipment.

Synonyms of "Rationalize" as a verb (27 Words)
account for | Keep an account of. |
apologise | Acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing. |
apologize | Express regret for something that one has done wrong. I must apologize for disturbing you like this. |
cut | Form or shape by cutting or incising. Advocates of reform say more must be done to cut crime. |
defend | Protect or fight for as a champion. They were forced to defend for long periods. |
excuse | Defend explain clear away or make excuses for by reasoning. Please excuse my dirty hands. |
explain | Make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. He explained the situation. |
explain away | Make plain and comprehensible. |
give an explanation for | Present to view. |
hone | Sharpen with a hone. Some of the best players in the world honed their skills playing street football. |
improve the running of | To make better. |
justify | (used of God) declare innocent; absolve from the penalty of sin. Justify the margins. |
make acceptable | Head into a specified direction. |
make allowances for | Earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages. |
make economies in | Make or cause to be or to become. |
make excuses for | Undergo fabrication or creation. |
make more efficient | Proceed along a path. |
provide a rationale for | Determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation. |
prune | Cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of. |
rationalise | Structure and run according to rational or scientific principles in order to achieve desired results. |
reduce wastage in | Put down by force or intimidation. |
reorganize | Organize anew, as after a setback. The company reorganized into fewer key areas. |
simplify | Make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand. We had to simplify the instructions. |
slim down | Take off weight. |
streamline | Make (an organization or system) more efficient and effective by employing faster or simpler working methods. The company streamlined its operations by removing whole layers of management. |
trim | Adjust the balance of a ship or aircraft by rearranging its cargo or by means of its trim tabs. Trim lumber. |
vindicate | Show to be right by providing justification or proof. Vindicate a claim. |

Usage Examples of "Rationalize" as a verb
- She couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage.
- This function can be rationalized.
- If we rationalize production, will that mean redundancies?
- We rationalized the factory's production and raised profits.
- When one wonders why one is doing certain things, one should rationalize.
- Rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior.
- Parliament should seek to rationalize the country's court structure.
- He rationalized his lack of success.

Associations of "Rationalize" (30 Words)
alibi | Provide an alibi for. Her friend agreed to alibi her. |
attest | Authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity. The deceased s solicitor attested that he had been about to institute divorce proceedings. |
attributable | Capable of being attributed. Some 50 liturgical works by or attributable to him have survived. |
certification | The action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement. A fundamental requirement for organic certification. |
certify | Declare legally insane. The Law Society will certify that the sum charged is fair and reasonable. |
condone | Approve or sanction (something), especially with reluctance. The college cannot condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs. |
confirm | Administer the religious rite of confirmation to. His story confirmed my doubts. |
corroborate | Support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm. The witness had corroborated the boy s account of the attack. |
demonstrate | Clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence. The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound. |
excuse | Accept an excuse for. His ability excuses most of his faults. |
explanation | The act of explaining; making something plain or intelligible. The explanation was very simple. |
guise | An artful or simulated semblance. He visited in the guise of an inspector. |
justifiable | Capable of being justified. It is not financially justifiable. |
justification | The action or manner of justifying a line of type or piece of text. The justification of barbarous means by holy ends. |
justify | (used of God) declare innocent; absolve from the penalty of sin. In most European languages you justify text by adding space between letters and words. |
lawful | Of a child born within a lawful marriage. It is an offence to carry a weapon in public without lawful authority. |
legitimize | Make legal. Voters legitimize the government through the election of public officials. |
palliation | Easing the severity of a pain or a disease without removing the cause. |
pretext | An artful or simulated semblance. The rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move. |
prevarication | A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth. |
prove | Prove formally demonstrate by a mathematical formal proof. Prove a will. |
rationalization | Systematic organization; the act of organizing something according to a system or a rationale. Most people are prone to self deceptive rationalization. |
reason | Present reasons and arguments. The reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly. |
testify | Give evidence as a witness in a law court. The bleak lines testify to inner torment. |
validate | Prove valid; show or confirm the validity of something. All analytical methods should be validated in respect of accuracy. |
verify | Attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition. Please verify that the doors are closed. |
vindicate | Clear (someone) of blame or suspicion. Vindicate the rights of the citizens. |
vindicatory | Given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts. |
warrant | Show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for. As a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed income securities. |
why | The cause or intention underlying an action or situation especially in the phrase the whys and wherefores. Why did he do it. |