RECIDIVISM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RECIDIVISM?

Need another word that means the same as “recidivism”? Find 30 related words for “recidivism” in this overview.

Associations of "Recidivism" (30 Words)

allTo a complete degree or to the full or entire extent whole is often used informally for wholly.
All parties are welcome.
alwaysThroughout a long period of the past.
The sun always rises in the east.
amplitudeThe angular distance of a celestial object from the true east or west point of the horizon at rising or setting.
The amplitude of alpha rhythms.
dabbleDip a foot or hand briefly into a liquid.
She dabbles in astronomy.
everAt all times all the time and on every occasion.
They felt better than ever before.
frequencyThe ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations.
A coding sequence to ensure that everyone changes frequency in the correct manner.
frequentBe a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place.
A frequent or common error is using the transitive verb lay for the intransitive lie.
frequentlyMany times at short intervals.
They go abroad frequently.
incidenceThe intersection of a line, or something moving in a straight line, such as a beam of light, with a surface.
He measured the angle of incidence of the reflected light.
infrequentlyNot often; rarely.
He cooks but only infrequently.
intermittentlyIn an intermittent manner.
He has worked intermittently in a variety of jobs.
invariablyWithout variation or change, in every case.
Ranch meals are invariably big and hearty.
modulatedChanged or adjusted in pitch, tone, or volume.
occasionalRecurring or reappearing from time to time.
An occasional table.
occasionallyNow and then or here and there.
He was arrogant and occasionally callous.
offenderA person who commits an illegal act.
You can t get away from sex these days and the TV is the worst offender.
oftMany times at short intervals.
We often met over a cup of coffee.
oftenIn many cases or instances.
He often goes for long walks by himself.
oftentimesFrequently; many times.
I would oftentimes go there.
proportionalOne of the quantities in a mathematical proportion.
The punishment ought to be proportional to the crime.
quiteTo the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely.
Quite tasty.
rare(of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often.
Total eclipses are rare events.
rarelyTo an unusual degree; exceptionally.
We rarely met.
rarenessNoteworthy scarcity.
rifeExcessively abundant.
The streets were rife with rumour and fear.
sometimesOccasionally, rather than all of the time.
Sometimes I want to do things on my own.
sparseThinly dispersed or scattered.
Areas of sparse population.
sporadicallyOccasionally or at irregular intervals.
The comedy is only sporadically funny.
successivelyImmediately one after another.
Three letters of successively decreasing length.
usuallyUnder normal conditions; generally.
Heat resistant paints are usually black or aluminium coloured.

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