RECLUSIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RECLUSIVE?

Need another word that means the same as “reclusive”? Find 9 synonyms and 30 related words for “reclusive” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Reclusive” are: recluse, withdrawn, cloistered, secluded, sequestered, solitary, isolated, retiring, shut away

Reclusive as an Adjective

Definitions of "Reclusive" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reclusive” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Providing privacy or seclusion.
  • Avoiding the company of other people; solitary.
  • Withdrawn from society; seeking solitude.

Synonyms of "Reclusive" as an adjective (9 Words)

cloisteredOf communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows.
The cloistered academic world of books.
isolatedMarked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements.
Little isolated worlds as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm shaded well in the Sahara.
recluseWithdrawn from society; seeking solitude.
retiringOf a person who has held and relinquished a position or office.
A shy retiring girl.
secludedHidden from general view or use.
A secluded romantic spot.
sequesteredProviding privacy or seclusion.
A wild sequestered spot.
shut awayNot open.
solitarySingle; only.
Each spider like bloom is solitary.
withdrawnWithdrawn from society seeking solitude.
When her husband died she became very withdrawn.

Usage Examples of "Reclusive" as an adjective

  • He led a reclusive life.
  • Lived an unsocial reclusive life.
  • Sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree.

Associations of "Reclusive" (30 Words)

aloneUsed to emphasize that only one factor out of several is being considered and that the whole is greater or more extreme.
I want to be alone.
aloofIn an aloof manner.
An aloof and somewhat austere figure.
antisocialRelating to or having an antisocial personality disorder.
He s not antisocial just shy.
cageyCharacterized by great caution and wariness.
A spokesman was cagey about the arrangements his company had struck.
cloisteredKept away from the outside world; sheltered.
The cloistered academic world of books.
coyAffectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way.
She treated him to a coy smile of invitation.
demureReserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman.
Antonia was pensive and demure.
detachedSeparate or disconnected.
The detached shutter fell on him.
diffidentShowing modest reserve.
Stood in the doorway diffident and abashed.
distant(of a person) not closely related.
A distant likeness.
hermitA hummingbird found in the shady lower layers of tropical forests, foraging along a regular route.
incongruousNot in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.
The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath.
introvertA person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts.
He introverted his feelings.
introvertedGiven to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences.
isolatedMarked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements.
Little isolated worlds as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm shaded well in the Sahara.
psychopathSomeone with a sociopathic personality a person with an antisocial personality disorder psychopath was once widely used but has now been superseded by sociopath.
Playground psychopaths will gather around a fight to encourage the combatants.
recluseA person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people.
She has turned into a virtual recluse.
reservedMarked by self-restraint and reticence-Victoria Sackville-West.
He is a reserved almost taciturn man.
reticentNot revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily.
She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.
retiringReluctant to draw attention to yourself.
A retiring member of the board.
secludedProviding privacy or seclusion.
A secluded romantic spot.
solitaryCharacterized by or preferring solitude.
A solitary retreat.
taciturnHabitually reserved and uncommunicative.
After such gatherings she would be taciturn and morose.
troglodyteSomeone who lives in a cave.
unfriendlyNot easy to understand or use.
An unfriendly action to take.
unsociableNot inclined to society or companionship.
Generally unsociable except with intimate friends.
unsocial(of the hours of work of a job) falling outside the normal working day and thus socially inconvenient.
The unsocial disposition to neglect one s neighbors.
upstageMove upstage forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience.
He was upstage with strangers.
withdrawnWithdrawn from society seeking solitude.
When her husband died she became very withdrawn.
withinInternally or inwardly.
Enquire within.

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