RECTIFIED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RECTIFIED?

Need another word that means the same as “rectified”? Find 30 related words for “rectified” in this overview.

Associations of "Rectified" (30 Words)

accustomBe used to.
I accustomed my eyes to the lenses.
adaptAdapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
The policies can be adapted to suit individual needs.
adaptationThe process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.
The play is an adaptation of a short novel.
adaptionThe process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions.
adjustAdapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
A single control adjusts the water flow.
adjustmentA small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.
Only slight adjustments to the boat are necessary.
alterMake an alteration to.
The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city.
amendMake amendments to.
A few things had gone wrong but these had been amended.
attuneAccustom or acclimatize.
A society more attuned to consumerism than ideology.
convertA person who has been converted to another religious or political belief.
Convert holdings into shares.
correctSocially right or correct.
The correct version.
disabusePersuade (someone) that an idea or belief is mistaken.
He quickly disabused me of my fanciful notions.
editA version of written recorded or filmed material made as a result of editing.
The footage wasn t good enough to be edited into broadcast form.
emendAlter (something that is incorrect.
The text was emended in the second edition.
emendationA correction or revision to a text.
Here are some suggested emendations.
fitThe particular way in which something especially a garment or component fits.
A fit subject for discussion.
fixDecide upon or fix definitely.
Lupins fix gaseous nitrogen in their root nodules.
manuallyBy hand rather than automatically or electronically.
Change channels manually rather than using the remote control.
metamorphoseChange in outward structure or looks.
The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle.
mistakenWrong in one’s opinion or judgement.
An unfortunate case of mistaken identity.
modifyTransform (a structure) from its original anatomical form during development or evolution.
Please modify this letter to make it more polite.
modulationAlteration of the amplitude or frequency of an electromagnetic wave or other oscillation in accordance with the variations of a second signal.
Modulation of the ray amplitude will result in sound being heard.
ratifyApprove and express assent, responsibility, or obligation.
Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year.
relevantClosely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.
The candidate s experience is relevant to the job.
rescheduleArrange a new scheme of repayments of (a debt.
The concert has been rescheduled for September.
retouchGive retouches to hair.
Retouch the roots.
revampGive new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.
Revamp my old boots.
revisalThe act of rewriting something.
reviseRevise or reorganize especially for the purpose of updating and improving.
The agency revised its procedures in as a result of the fire.
rightnessThe quality or state of being best or most appropriate for a particular situation.
They argue for the moral rightness of overthrowing the leader by force.

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