RELUCTANCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RELUCTANCE?

Need another word that means the same as “reluctance”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “reluctance” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Reluctance” are: disinclination, hesitancy, hesitation, indisposition, unwillingness, lack of enthusiasm

Reluctance as a Noun

Definitions of "Reluctance" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reluctance” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A certain degree of unwillingness.
  • Opposition to magnetic flux (analogous to electric resistance.
  • Unwillingness or disinclination to do something.
  • (physics) opposition to magnetic flux (analogous to electric resistance.
  • The property of a magnetic circuit of opposing the passage of magnetic flux lines, equal to the ratio of the magnetomotive force to the magnetic flux.

Synonyms of "Reluctance" as a noun (6 Words)

disinclinationThat toward which you are inclined to feel dislike.
Lucy felt a strong disinclination to talk about her engagement.
hesitancyThe quality or state of being hesitant.
His hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition.
hesitationA certain degree of unwillingness.
I have no hesitation in recommending him.
indispositionA slight illness.
Indisposition to motion exertion or change.
lack of enthusiasmThe state of needing something that is absent or unavailable.
unwillingnessThe trait of being unwilling.
His unwillingness to cooperate vetoed every proposal I made.

Usage Examples of "Reluctance" as a noun

  • A reluctance to commit himself.
  • She sensed his reluctance to continue.

Associations of "Reluctance" (30 Words)

abominateFind repugnant.
They abominated the very idea of monarchy.
averse(usually followed by `to’) strongly opposed.
As a former CIA director he is not averse to secrecy.
avertTurn away (one’s eyes or thoughts.
Avert a strike.
detestDislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards.
She detests politicians.
disinclinationA reluctance or lack of enthusiasm.
Lucy felt a strong disinclination to talk about her engagement.
disinclinedUnwilling; reluctant.
The rural community was disinclined to abandon the old ways.
dislikeHave or feel a dislike or distaste for.
My dislike of him was instinctive.
hateFeel intense dislike for.
I hate Mexican food.
hesitanceThe quality or state of being tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.
They agreed to go along after initial hesitance.
hesitancyThe quality or state of being hesitant.
Jackson took advantage of some hesitancy in the defence to rifle in a shot.
hesitantTentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.
Her slow hesitant way of speaking.
hesitantlyWith hesitation; in a hesitant manner.
He speaks hesitantly and his voice is shaky.
hesitateBe reluctant to do something.
He hesitated to spoil the mood by being inquisitive.
hesitatingLacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly.
His hesitating delivery.
hesitatinglyWith hesitation; in a hesitant manner.
hesitationThe action of pausing before saying or doing something.
She answered without hesitation.
indecisionDoubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action.
Government indecision over the future of local taxation.
indecisiveNot providing a clear and definite result.
An indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill.
initialMark or sign a document with one s initials in order to authorize or validate it.
They carved their initials into the tree trunk.
irresoluteUncertain how to act or proceed.
She stood irresolute outside his door.
irresolutionThe trait of being irresolute; lacking firmness of purpose.
A moment of irresolution.
loathUnwillingness to do something contrary to your custom.
I was loath to leave.
loatheFeel intense dislike or disgust for.
I loathe that man.
negativelyIn a negative way, especially by expressing denial, disagreement, or refusal.
Investors reacted negatively to the news.
reluctantUnwillingness to do something contrary to your custom.
Fresh from college and reluctant for the moment to marry him.
unwillingIn spite of contrary volition.
Unwilling conscripts.
unwillinglyIn an unwilling manner.
He unwillingly went back to the family business in the City.
unwillingnessThe quality or state of being unwilling to do something; reluctance.
He deplored the Government s unwillingness to provide adequate funds.
vacillatingUncertain in purpose or action.
He was accused of vacillating leadership.
waverSway from side to side.
The flame wavered in the draught.

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