Need another word that means the same as “remake”? Find 20 synonyms for “remake” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Remake” are: make over, redo, refashion, improve, make better, better, ameliorate, refine, mend, rectify, correct, rehabilitate, remaking, improvement, betterment, amelioration, refinement, rectification, correction, rehabilitation
Remake as a Noun
Definitions of "Remake" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “remake” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Creation that is created again or anew.
- A film or piece of music that has been filmed or recorded again.

Synonyms of "Remake" as a noun (8 Words)
amelioration | The act of making something better; improvement. Progress brings with it the amelioration of the human condition. |
betterment | A change for the better; progress in development. They believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of society. |
correction | The act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right. The incompatibility of justice and correction as penal objectives has long been the major unsolved problem of penal practice. |
improvement | The action of improving or being improved. An improvement in East West relations. |
rectification | Determination of the length of a curve; finding a straight line equal in length to a given curve. Rectifications are sent to the client for feedback. |
refinement | The improvement or clarification of something by the making of small changes. A man of intellectual refinement. |
rehabilitation | The conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation. A posthumous rehabilitation of the activist. |
remaking | Creation that is created again or anew. |

Usage Examples of "Remake" as a noun
- A remake of the classic horror tale, ‘Frankenstein.
- It is a remake of an old film.
Remake as a Verb
Definitions of "Remake" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “remake” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make new.
- Make (something) again or differently.
Synonyms of "Remake" as a verb (12 Words)
ameliorate | Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. The reform did much to ameliorate living standards. |
better | Get better. She had almost bettered him at archery. |
correct | Make right or correct. Engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance. |
improve | Get better. The weather improved toward evening. |
make better | Appear to begin an activity. |
make over | Make or cause to be or to become. |
mend | Improve (an unpleasant situation. Foot injuries can take months to mend. |
rectify | Find a straight line equal in length to (a curve. Rectify a curve. |
redo | Do (something) again or differently. A whole day s work has to be redone. |
refashion | Make new. The industry reshaped and refashioned itself. |
refine | Improve or perfect by pruning or polishing. Refine sugar. |
rehabilitate | Reinstall politically. With the fall of the government many former dissidents were rehabilitated. |
Usage Examples of "Remake" as a verb
- The bed would be more comfortable if it were remade.