Categories: GeneralSynonyms

REPAY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REPAY?

Need another word that means the same as “repay”? Find 20 synonyms and 30 related words for “repay” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Repay” are: requite, give back, refund, return, come back, rejoin, retort, riposte, pay back, reward, reimburse, recompense, compensate, remunerate, square accounts with, settle up with, indemnify, pay off, reciprocate, be well worth

Repay as a Verb

Definitions of "Repay" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “repay” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions.
  • Make repayment for or return something.
  • Pay back (a loan.
  • Pay back money borrowed from (someone.
  • Be worth devoting time to (a specified action.
  • Answer back.
  • Do or give something as recompense for (a favour or kindness received.
  • Pay back.

Synonyms of "Repay" as a verb (20 Words)

be well worthSpend or use time.
come backReach a destination; arrive by movement or progress.
compensateMake payment to compensate.
They put on grandiose airs to compensate for their feelings of worthlessness.
give backBe flexible under stress of physical force.
indemnifySecure (someone) against legal liability for their actions.
The company has taken out insurance to indemnify its directors against liability when acting for the group.
pay backDischarge or settle.
pay offBring in.
reciprocateFeel (affection or love) for someone in the same way that they feel it for oneself.
The engine reciprocates the propeller.
recompensePunish or reward (someone) for an action.
He was recompensed for the wasted time.
refundPay back.
I ll refund you for the apples and any other damage.
reimburseReimburse or compensate someone as for a loss.
Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel.
rejoinReturn to (a companion, organization, or route that one has left.
The soldiers were returning from leave to rejoin their unit.
remunerateMake payment to; compensate.
My efforts were not remunerated.
requiteMake appropriate return for (a favour, service, or wrongdoing.
They are quick to requite a kindness.
retortSay something in answer to a remark, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner.
It was now his time to retort the humiliation.
returnReturn in kind.
Return her love.
rewardStrengthen and support with rewards.
The engineer who supervised the work was rewarded with the MBE.
riposteMake a quick return thrust in fencing.
You ve got a strange sense of honour Grant riposted.
settle up withForm a community.
square accounts withTurn the paddle; in canoeing.

Usage Examples of "Repay" as a verb

  • Most of his fortune had been spent repaying creditors.
  • The loans were to be repaid over a 20-year period.
  • These sites would repay more detailed investigation.
  • The manager has given me another chance and I'm desperate to repay that faith.

Associations of "Repay" (30 Words)

assigneeThe party to whom something is assigned (e.g., someone to whom a right or property is legally transferred.
bankruptReduce a person or organization to bankruptcy.
The strike nearly bankrupted the union.
bankruptcyA legal process intended to insure equality among the creditors of a corporation declared to be insolvent.
Spiritual bankruptcy.
borrowGet temporarily.
He had borrowed a car from one of his colleagues.
compensationThe action or process of awarding compensation.
The grey streets of London were small compensation for the loss of her beloved Africa.
creditorA person or company to whom money is owing.
He sold his Ferraris to pay off his creditors.
debtA feeling of gratitude for a service or favour.
A way to reduce Third World debt.
debtorA person, country, or organization that owes money.
Debtor countries.
fiduciaryInvolving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary.
It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain.
insolvencyThe state of being insolvent.
The club was facing insolvency.
insolventAn insolvent person.
An insolvent person.
liquidationTermination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities.
The company went into liquidation.
loanA thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
He knew Rab would not loan him money.
overpaymentThe act of paying too much.
A refund for overpayment of tax.
oweOwe something especially money to.
I still owe for the car.
paymentAn act of requiting; returning in kind.
Three interest free monthly payments.
payoffThe income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property.
rebateJoin with a rebate.
The scheme eases the move to the council tax by giving rebates in the first year.
recompenseMake payment to; compensate.
Offenders should recompense their victims.
refundPay back.
I ll refund you for the apples and any other damage.
reimbursementThe action of repaying a person who has spent or lost money.
The family received insurance reimbursements.
remuneratePay (someone) for services rendered or work done.
My efforts were not remunerated.
remunerationMoney paid for work or a service.
Adequate remuneration for his work.
reparationSomething done or paid in expiation of a wrong.
The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim.
repaymentPayment of a debt or obligation.
Minimum monthly repayments.
requiteReturn a favour to (someone.
She did not requite his love.
restitutionGetting something back again.
Upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing.
returnReturn in kind.
They set out on their return to the base camp.
rewardStrengthen and support with rewards.
Their hard work was rewarded by the winning of a five year contract.
wagesA recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing.
The wages of sin is death.

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