Need another word that means the same as “resemble”? Find 10 synonyms and 30 related words for “resemble” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Resemble” are: look like, be similar to, be like, bear a resemblance to, remind one of, put one in mind of, take after, favour, have a look of, make one think of
Resemble as a Verb
Definitions of "Resemble" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “resemble” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Have a similar appearance to or qualities in common with (someone or something); look or seem like.
- Appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to.

Synonyms of "Resemble" as a verb (10 Words)
be like | Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun. |
be similar to | Be priced at. |
bear a resemblance to | Support or hold in a certain manner. |
favour | Treat gently or carefully. She s pretty and she favours you. |
have a look of | Have sex with; archaic use. |
look like | Be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to. |
make one think of | Calculate as being. |
put one in mind of | Cause (someone) to undergo something. |
remind one of | Assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned. |
take after | Get into one’s hands, take physically. |

Usage Examples of "Resemble" as a verb
- They resembled each other closely.
- This paper resembles my own work.
- Some people resemble their dogs.
- She resembles her mother very much.

Associations of "Resemble" (30 Words)
camouflage | Clothing or materials used as camouflage. On the trenches were pieces of turf which served for camouflage. |
conceal | Prevent from being seen or discovered. A line of sand dunes concealed the distant sea. |
copy | Send a copy of a letter or an email to a third party. Copy the genetic information. |
dainty | Affectedly dainty or refined. A dainty dish to set before a kind. |
disguise | The concealing of one’s true intentions or feelings. We disguised our faces before robbing the bank. |
ditto | The same thing again used in lists and accounts and often indicated by a ditto mark under the word or figure to be repeated. The next speaker dittoed her argument. |
duplicate | Duplicate or match. He made a duplicate for the files. |
echo | Ring or echo with sound. Napoleon III was an echo of the mighty Emperor but an infinitely better man. |
emulate | Imitate. Most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great. |
equalize | Compensate; make the score equal. Britain is required to equalize pension rights between men and women. |
evenhanded | Without partiality. Evenhanded justice. |
facsimile | Send something via a facsimile machine. A facsimile of the manuscript. |
fax | A machine for transmitting and receiving faxes. The equipment consists of four word processors a fax and a photocopier. |
imitate | Reproduce someone’s behavior or looks. Synthetic fabrics can now imitate everything from silk to rubber. |
imitator | Someone who copies the behaviour or actions of another. The show s success has sparked off many imitators. |
likeness | Similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things. The only known likeness of Dorothy as a young woman. |
mask | Cover the face with a mask. Mask off doors and cupboards with sheets of plastic. |
mimesis | The deliberate imitation of the behaviour of one group of people by another group as a factor in social change. Culture is organized in terms of mimesis and desire. |
mimetic | Relating to, constituting, or habitually practising mimesis. The mimetic presentation of images. |
mimic | An animal or plant that mimics another. Tiger beetles are mimicked by grasshoppers. |
mimicry | The act of mimicking; imitative behavior. The word was spoken with gently teasing mimicry. |
replica | A duplicate of an original artistic work. A replica of the Empire State Building. |
replicate | Make an exact copy of; reproduce. He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick. |
replication | A plaintiff’s reply to the defendant’s plea. DNA replication. |
reproduce | (of an organism) produce offspring by a sexual or asexual process. His works are reproduced on postcards and posters. |
same | Same in identity. The village stayed the same. |
similar | Having the same or similar characteristics. He was one of those whose similar you never meet. |
somewhat | To a moderate extent or by a moderate amount; rather. Matters have improved somewhat since then. |
symmetrical | Having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts. The shape of a hill smooth and symmetrical. |
triplicate | Make three copies of; multiply by three. The triplicate of a letter to the Governor. |