Need another word that means the same as “restricted”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “restricted” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Restricted” are: qualified, cramped, confined, constricted, small, narrow, compact, tight, poky, minimal, sparse, inadequate, limited, controlled, private, personal, intimate, privileged, quiet
Restricted as an Adjective
Definitions of "Restricted" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “restricted” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Subject to restriction or subjected to restriction.
- (of DNA) subject to degradation by a restriction enzyme.
- The lowest level of official classification for documents.
- Restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man.
- (of a virus) unable to reproduce at its normal rate in certain hosts.
- (of a document or information) not to be disclosed to the public for reasons of national security.
- Limited in extent, number, scope, or action.

Synonyms of "Restricted" as an adjective (19 Words)
compact | Closely and neatly packed together; dense. A wrestler of compact build. |
confined | (of a space) restricted in area or volume; cramped. Her fear of confined spaces. |
constricted | Inhibited; restricted. People seek an environment where they don t feel constricted. |
controlled | (of an explosion) produced deliberately under conditions that are determined beforehand. She s a very controlled player and is mentally tough. |
cramped | Constricted in size. He felt cramped in a large organization. |
inadequate | Of insufficient quantity to meet a need. The staff was inadequate. |
intimate | (of knowledge) detailed or thorough. He touched her intimate parts. |
limited | Denoting a limited company used after a company name. Limited war. |
minimal | Characterized by the use of simple forms or structures, especially geometric or massive ones. Needed to enforce minimal standards. |
narrow | Denoting a vowel pronounced with the root of the tongue drawn back so as to narrow the pharynx. They ate a narrow range of foods. |
personal | Existing as a self aware entity not as an abstraction or an impersonal force. I have something personal to tell you. |
poky | Annoyingly slow. Five of us shared the poky little room. |
private | Concerning things deeply private and personal. Private lessons. |
privileged | (of information) legally protected from being made public. He accused me of giving away privileged information. |
qualified | Holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill. Newly qualified nurses. |
quiet | Free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound. The car has a quiet economical engine. |
small | Made to seem smaller or less especially in worth. A still small voice. |
sparse | Scanty; in short supply. Information on earnings is sparse. |
tight | Pulled or drawn tight. Presidential advisers keep a tight grip on domestic policy. |

Usage Examples of "Restricted" as an adjective
- Some enzymes cleave DNA at restricted sites.
- Of restricted importance.
- The mechanism of restricted virus replication.
- Western scientists had only restricted access to the site.

Associations of "Restricted" (30 Words)
captive | A person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined. The farm was used to hold prisoners of war captive. |
circumscribed | Subject to limits or subjected to limits. |
classified | (of information or documents) designated as officially secret and accessible only to authorized people. Classified information on nuclear experiments. |
conditional | A sentence containing a conditional clause. Lent conditional support. |
confined | Not free to move about. Her fear of confined spaces. |
confinement | The action of confining or state of being confined. The pros and cons of home versus hospital confinement. |
constraint | The state of being physically constrained. They would be able to talk without constraint. |
cramped | Uncomfortably small or restricted. Trying to bring children up in cramped high rise apartments. |
exclusive | An item or story published or broadcast by only one source. The list is not exclusive. |
exhaustible | Capable of being used up. Our exhaustible reserves of fossil fuel. |
expendable | Of relatively little significance, and therefore able to be abandoned or destroyed. Unmanned and expendable launch vehicles. |
few | The RAF pilots who took part in the Battle of Britain. Few women have led troops in battle. |
finite | Limited in size or extent. Every computer has a finite amount of memory. |
incompleteness | The state of being crude and incomplete and imperfect. The study was criticized for incompleteness of data but it stimulated further research. |
insofar | To the degree or extent that. Insofar as it can be ascertained the horse lung is comparable to that of man. |
limitation | A limiting rule or circumstance; a restriction. The limitation of local authorities powers. |
limited | Not unlimited. The legislation has had a limited effect. |
limiting | Strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase. A limiting factor. |
localized | Confined or restricted to a particular location. There d now be a more localized news service. |
modified | Mediocre. The performance of the modified aircraft was much improved. |
narrow | Make or become more narrow or restricted. The road narrowed. |
only | Being the only one single and isolated from others. She was still only in her mid thirties. |
provisional | A provisional stamp. Norman as yet had only a provisional licence. |
provisory | Subject to a proviso; conditional. A provisory clause. |
regulation | In accordance with regulations of the correct type. Fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians. |
restraint | A rule or condition that limits freedom. The unlawful restraint of trade. |
scanty | Lacking in amplitude or quantity. They paid whatever they could out of their scanty wages to their families. |
selectively | By selection; in a selective manner. The book needs to be read selectively. |
tentative | Under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon. He eventually tried a few tentative steps round his hospital room. |
transitory | Lasting a very short time. Love is transitory but it is eternal. |