Need another word that means the same as “restructuring”? Find 30 related words for “restructuring” in this overview.
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Associations of "Restructuring" (30 Words)
architect | A person who designs hardware, software, or networking applications and services of a specified type for a business or other organization. The great Norman architect of Durham Cathedral. |
architecture | The profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect. The architecture of a computer s system software. |
building | The occupants of a building. Workers in the building trades. |
cabinet | A piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display. A cocktail cabinet. |
construction | A thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts. During the construction we had to take a detour. |
deregulate | Remove regulations or restrictions from. The trucking industry was deregulated in the early 1980s. |
downsize | (of a company) eliminate staff positions. A TV news producer told what happened after her network downsized the newsroom. |
effort | A force exerted by a machine or in a process. He was a keen gardener winning many prizes for his efforts. |
enterprise | A purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness. He had doubts about the whole enterprise. |
forge | Create by hammering. She forged a Green Card. |
liberalize | Remove or loosen restrictions on (something, typically an economic or political system. Several agreements to liberalize trade were signed. |
owned | Having an owner; often used in combination. State owned railways. |
privatization | Changing something from state to private ownership or control. The government launched a new round of privatizations. |
privatize | Change from governmental to private control or ownership. The oil industry was privatized. |
rebuild | An instance of rebuilding. The rebuilds include a number of Delage cars. |
recast | Cast again, in a different role. He was recast as Iago. |
reconstitute | Change the form and organization of (an institution. He reconstituted his cabinet. |
reconstruct | Cause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically. Later emperors reconstructed the army. |
reconstruction | An impression, model, or re-enactment of a past event formed from the available evidence. A reconstruction of the accident would be staged to try to discover the cause of the tragedy. |
reestablish | Bring back into original existence, use, function, or position. Reestablish peace in the region. |
reforestation | The process of replanting an area with trees. The need for post fire reforestation. |
refurbish | Renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building. The premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style. |
reinstate | Restore (someone or something) to their former position or state. The union threatened strike action if Owen was not reinstated. |
remodel | Cast or model anew. The station was remodelled and enlarged in 1927. |
remold | Give new treads to (a tire. |
reorganization | The imposition of a new organization; organizing differently (often involving extensive and drastic changes. The reorganization was prescribed by federal bankruptcy laws. |
reshape | Shape anew or differently. The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country. |
reshuffle | Shuffle (playing cards) again. So as to prevent cheating he was asked to reshuffle the cards. |
shakeup | The imposition of a new organization; organizing differently (often involving extensive and drastic changes. Top officials were forced out in the cabinet shakeup. |
workforce | The people engaged in or available for work, either in a country or area or in a particular firm or industry. A quarter of Galway s manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job. |