Need another word that means the same as “reunite”? Find 3 synonyms and 30 related words for “reunite” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Reunite” are: reunify, reuniting, bringing (back) together (again)
Reunite as a Verb
Definitions of "Reunite" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “reunite” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Unify again, as of a country.
- Come together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity.
- Have a reunion; unite again.

Synonyms of "Reunite" as a verb (3 Words)
bringing (back) together (again) | Induce or persuade. |
reunify | Unify again, as of a country. Will Korea reunify. |
reuniting | Have a reunion; unite again. |

Usage Examples of "Reunite" as a verb
- Stephanie was reunited with her parents.
- The three friends reunited in 1959.
Associations of "Reunite" (30 Words)
alliance | A formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim. Divisions within the alliance. |
ally | A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose. He was forced to dismiss his closest political ally. |
amalgamate | Joined together into a whole. Numerous small British railway companies amalgamated. |
annex | Take (territory) as if by conquest. The school s one storey wooden annex. |
associate | A person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor. Associates in the law firm bill at a lower rate than do partners. |
association | The process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination. A bog association containing ericaceous plants. |
coalescing | Growing together, fusing. |
combination | A sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock. These four factors work together in combination. |
combine | Combine so as to form a whole mix. High tides and winds combined to bring chaos to the east coast. |
confederacy | A league or alliance, especially of confederate states. The Yakuza is a secret confederacy of criminal fraternities. |
conjoin | Make contact or come together. An approach which conjoins theory and method. |
connect | Make a logical or causal connection. Employees are rewarded with bonuses connected to their firm s performance. |
consolidate | Combine (separate pieces of legislation) into a single legislative act. Consolidate one s gains. |
converge | Come together so as to form a single product. The aims of the two developments can and should converge. |
correlation | A statistic representing how closely two variables co vary it can vary from 1 perfect negative correlation through 0 no correlation to 1 perfect positive correlation. Research showed a clear correlation between recession and levels of property crime. |
federate | Relating to a federated state or organization. In 1901 the six colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia. |
fusion | The process of causing a material or object to melt with intense heat so as to join with another. A fusion reactor. |
integrate | Become one become integrated. The protest forced the bus companies to integrate the buses. |
integrated | Formed into a whole or introduced into another entity- Dwight D.Eisenhower. An integrated public transport system. |
join | Cause to become joined or linked. Our paths joined. |
meet | A meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held. Meet a violent death. |
merge | Mix together different elements. He agreed to merge his broadcasting company with a multinational concern. |
mingle | Get involved or mixed-up with. The sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs. |
return | A mechanism or key on a typewriter that returns the carriage to a fixed position at the start of a new line. I ll be glad when things return to normal. |
reunify | Unify again, as of a country. Will Korea reunify. |
reunion | A party of former associates who have come together again. She had a tearful reunion with her parents. |
synthesis | The combination of components or elements to form a connected whole. The synthesis of methanol from carbon monoxide and hydrogen. |
unify | Make or become united, uniform, or whole. The government hoped to centralize and unify the nation. |
union | A trade union. Lightning produced an unusual union of the metals. |
unite | Be or become joined or united or linked. Lady Midlothian united herself to a man of bad character. |