RICOCHET: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RICOCHET?

Need another word that means the same as “ricochet”? Find 10 synonyms for “ricochet” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Ricochet” are: bounce, bound, rebound, recoil, resile, reverberate, spring, take a hop, be deflected, carom

Ricochet as a Noun

Definitions of "Ricochet" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ricochet” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A glancing rebound.
  • A shot or hit that rebounds off a surface.
  • The action or movement of a bullet or other projectile when ricocheting.

Synonyms of "Ricochet" as a noun (1 Word)

caromA game resembling billiards, played on a table without pockets and depending on cannons for scoring.

Usage Examples of "Ricochet" as a noun

  • The practice of low-level skip bombing relied on ricochet for effect.
  • She was hit by a ricochet in the leg.

Ricochet as a Verb

Definitions of "Ricochet" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ricochet” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Spring back; spring away from an impact.
  • Cause to rebound off a surface.
  • (of a bullet or other projectile) rebound off a surface.
  • Appear to move with a series of ricochets.

Synonyms of "Ricochet" as a verb (9 Words)

be deflectedBe identical or equivalent to.
bounceHit something so that it bounces.
I tried to email him but the message bounced.
boundOf an object rebound from a surface.
Shares bounded ahead in early dealing.
reboundGain possession of a missed shot after it bounces off the backboard or basket rim.
Nicholas s tricks are rebounding on him.
recoilRebound or spring back through force of impact or elasticity.
Ronni felt herself recoil at the very thought.
resileReturn to the original position or state after being stretched or compressed.
These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide.
reverberateTo throw or bend back (from a surface.
The statements by the professor reverberated through the Capitol.
springSpring back spring away from an impact.
He might spring a few shillings more.
take a hopTake into one’s possession.

Usage Examples of "Ricochet" as a verb

  • They fired off a couple of rounds, ricocheting the bullets against a wall.
  • A bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall.
  • The sound ricocheted around the hall.

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