RISK TAKER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RISK TAKER?

Need another word that means the same as “risk taker”? Find 30 related words for “risk taker” in this overview.

Associations of "Risk taker" (30 Words)

avalancheEngulf or carry off by an avalanche.
We have had an avalanche of applications for the post.
averse(usually followed by `to’) strongly opposed.
As a former CIA director he is not averse to secrecy.
challengeIssue a challenge to.
Human challenge studies occur in tightly controlled settings.
dangerA dangerous place.
He moved out of danger.
dangerousCausing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm.
Insecticides which are dangerous to the environment.
dareTo be courageous enough to try or do something.
She ran across a main road for a dare.
diceyUnpredictable and potentially dangerous.
An extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen tar and smog.
flammabilityThe quality of being easily ignited and burning rapidly.
foreseeableAble to be foreseen or predicted.
The situation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.
gambleA risky act or venture.
Dad likes a bit of a gamble.
hazardAn unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another.
Drinking alcohol is a health hazard.
hazardousInvolving risk or danger.
It is hazardous to personal safety.
imminenceThe state or fact of being about to happen.
The populace was largely unaware of the imminence of war.
insecureNot firm or fixed; liable to give way or break.
Badly paid and insecure jobs.
jeopardyDanger of loss, harm, or failure.
The whole peace process is in jeopardy.
landslideAn overwhelming majority of votes for one party or candidate in an election.
Businessmen have been buried under a landslide of paperwork.
neurotoxinA poison which acts on the nervous system.
parlousFull of danger or uncertainty; precarious.
The General s position was parlous.
perilSerious and immediate danger.
Jonathon perilled his life for love of David.
perilousFull of danger or risk.
A perilous journey south.
perilouslyIn a dangerous manner.
Houses perched perilously on craggy outposts.
pitfallA trap in the form of a concealed hole.
The pitfalls of buying goods at public auctions.
precariousFraught with danger.
He made a precarious living as a painter.
riskyNot financially safe or secure.
Anything that promises to pay too much can t help being risky.
shakyUnstable because of poor construction or heavy use.
A shaky marriage.
threatenedLikely in the near future to become endangered.
The spotted owl is a threatened species not yet an endangered one.
toxicityGrave harmfulness or deadliness.
That was how I protected my partner from my family s toxicity.
unsafeNot safe; dangerous.
Drinking water in some areas may be unsafe.
ventureAny venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome.
May I venture to add a few comments.
volatilityTendency of a substance to evaporate at normal temperatures.
The volatility of the market drove many investors away.

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