ROLL OUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ROLL OUT?

Need another word that means the same as “roll out”? Find 30 related words for “roll out” in this overview.

Associations of "Roll out" (30 Words)

bevelCut a bevel on shape to a bevel.
Polish the face of the plate and bevel the edge.
cartoucheA decorative architectural feature, such as a modillion or corbel, resembling a scroll.
A coat of arms in a cartouche.
coilA single ring in a coil.
Many women don t like the idea of having a coil fitted.
convoluteRolled longitudinally upon itself, as a leaf in the bud.
A convolute petal.
convolveRoll or coil together; entwine.
curlA curling movement.
Large perm rods give volume and control rather than lots of curl.
curveForm a curl curve or kink.
Her mouth curved in a smile.
exhaleBreathe out.
The chimney exhales a thick smoke.
flounderBehave awkwardly; have difficulties.
She is floundering in college.
gyreA spiral or vortex.
The central North Pacific gyre.
helicalIn the shape of a coil.
Helical molecules.
helixA curve on a conical or cylindrical surface which would become a straight line if the surface were unrolled into a plane.
herringValuable flesh of fatty fish from shallow waters of northern Atlantic or Pacific; usually salted or pickled.
hogsheadA British unit of capacity for alcoholic beverages.
mackerelFlesh of very important usually small (to 18 in) fatty Atlantic fish.
papyrusA document written on papyrus.
A remarkable papyrus recently acquired by the British Museum.
ringletAny of various butterflies belonging to the family Satyridae.
Her hair fell loose in ringlets.
scrollAn ancient book or document written on a scroll.
If scroll is enabled the window scrolls down.
spinFish with a spinner.
The figures were enough to make her head spin.
spiralTo wind or move in a spiral course.
An inflationary spiral.
spiralingIn the shape of a coil.
swirlThe shape of something rotating rapidly.
She emerged with a swirl of skirts.
toiletAssist or supervise someone especially an infant or invalid in using a toilet.
He got up to go to the toilet.
tunaThe flesh of the tuna as food.
vaultedHaving a hemispherical vault or dome.
An unusual brick vaulted ceiling.
wallowAn act of wallowing.
A buffalo wallow.
whirlMove or cause to move rapidly.
Leaves whirled in eddies of wind.
whorlA round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals.
Shelley drew larger and larger dark whorls on her notepad.
windMake a baby bring up wind after feeding by patting its back.
She hit the floor with a thud that knocked the wind out of her.

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