Need another word that means the same as “romanticize”? Find 16 synonyms for “romanticize” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Romanticize” are: glamorize, glamourise, romanticise, ennoble, exalt, elevate, lift up, add dignity to, dignify, add lustre to, add distinction to, enhance, increase, augment, promote, boost
Romanticize as a Verb
Definitions of "Romanticize" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “romanticize” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make romantic in style.
- Interpret romantically.
- Act in a romantic way.
- Deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.

Synonyms of "Romanticize" as a verb (16 Words)
add dignity to | State or say further. |
add distinction to | Bestow a quality on. |
add lustre to | Make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of. |
augment | Enlarge or increase. He augmented his summer income by painting houses. |
boost | Give a boost to be beneficial to. The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption. |
dignify | Raise the status of. I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer. |
elevate | Increase the level of (something. The exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head. |
enhance | Make better or more attractive. This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat. |
ennoble | Give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility. They receive life baronies on appointment unless they are already ennobled. |
exalt | Raise to a higher rank or position. This naturally exalts the peasant above his brethren in the same rank of society. |
glamorize | Interpret romantically. The lyrics glamorize drugs. |
glamourise | Interpret romantically. |
increase | Become or make greater in size, amount, or degree. The university increased the number of students it admitted. |
lift up | Cancel officially. |
promote | Of an additive act as a promoter of a catalyst. Some regulation is still required to promote competition. |
romanticise | Interpret romantically. |

Usage Examples of "Romanticize" as a verb
- Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
- She was romanticizing about the past.
- The tendency to romanticize non-industrial societies.
- The designer romanticized the little black dress.