ROOKIE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ROOKIE?

Need another word that means the same as “rookie”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “rookie” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Rookie” are: cub, greenhorn, conscript, novice, starter, beginner, newcomer

Rookie as a Noun

Definitions of "Rookie" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rookie” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A new recruit, especially in the army or police.
  • An awkward and inexperienced youth.
  • A member of a sports team in their first full season.

Synonyms of "Rookie" as a noun (7 Words)

beginnerA person who founds or establishes some institution.
An absolute beginner.
conscriptA person enlisted compulsorily.
Army conscripts.
cubA member of the Cubs.
She was as protective as a tiger with her cubs.
greenhornAn awkward and inexperienced youth.
I m not a seasoned veteran but I m no greenhorn either.
newcomerA novice in a particular activity or situation.
Hill one of England s relative newcomers gave them the lead.
noviceSomeone new to a field or activity.
He was a complete novice in foreign affairs.
starterA plan or idea that has a chance of succeeding and is therefore worthy of consideration.
I m just a slow starter.

Usage Examples of "Rookie" as a noun

  • A rookie cop.

Associations of "Rookie" (30 Words)

amateurAn athlete who does not play for pay.
That bunch of stumbling amateurs.
appetizerSomething that arouses or increases anticipation for what is to follow.
The afternoon games served as an appetizer for the evening s heavyweight clash between Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich.
apprenticeServe as an apprentice.
She apprenticed with midwives in San Francisco.
beginnerA person who founds or establishes some institution.
Language courses for beginners.
entrantOne who enters a competition.
The company is a new entrant into an established market.
exercisingThe activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit.
He did some exercising.
fledgling(of a young bird) having acquired its flight feathers.
A fledgling robin.
founderA person who manufactures articles of cast metal; the owner or operator of a foundry.
The horses foundered.
freshenMake (to feel) fresh.
She freshened up after the tennis game.
freshmanA first-year undergraduate.
Freshman year in high school or college.
graderA wheeled machine for levelling the ground, especially in making roads.
A first grader.
laityOrdinary people, as distinct from professionals or experts.
laymanA person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject.
The book seems well suited to the interested layman.
learnerA person who is learning to drive a motor vehicle and has not yet passed a driving test.
A fast learner.
mereApart from anything else; without additions or modifications.
Questions that cannot be answered by mere mortals.
neophyteA plant that is found in an area where it had not been recorded previously.
Four day cooking classes are offered to neophytes and experts.
nestlingA bird that is too young to leave its nest.
Cuckoo nestlings.
newbieAn inexperienced newcomer to a particular activity.
newcomerA novice in a particular activity or situation.
Hill one of England s relative newcomers gave them the lead.
noviceAn animal, especially a racehorse, that has not yet won a major prize or reached a sufficient level of performance to qualify for important events.
Last season as a novice he won three races.
prenticeWorks for an expert to learn a trade.
A tailor s prentice.
saladA vegetable suitable for eating raw.
A green salad.
sophomoreDenoting the second recording, film, etc. released or created by a particular musician, group, director, etc.
Freshmen performed better than either sophomores or juniors.
soupA substance or mixture regarded as resembling soup in appearance or consistency.
We re in the soup now.
starterThe first course of a meal.
The trainer has confirmed Cool Ground as a definite starter.
studentA learner who is enrolled in an educational institution.
Student loans.
tutorialRelating to a tutor or a tutor’s tuition.
Online tutorials and reference guides.
tyroA beginner or novice.
unpracticedNot having had extensive practice.
unprofessionalNot characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession.
Was censured for unprofessional conduct.

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