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RUSTY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RUSTY?

Need another word that means the same as “rusty”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “rusty” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Rusty” are: out of practice, rust, rust-brown, hoary, rusted, corroded, oxidized, reddish-brown, chestnut, auburn, tawny, russet, coppery, reddish, rufous, aching, achy, painful

Rusty as an Adjective

Definitions of "Rusty" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “rusty” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Covered with or consisting of rust.
  • Impaired in skill by neglect.
  • Ancient.
  • Stiff with age or disuse.
  • Rust-coloured.
  • (of a metal object) affected by rust.
  • (of knowledge or a skill) impaired by lack of recent practice.
  • Of the brown color of rust.
  • (of black clothes) discoloured by age.

Synonyms of "Rusty" as an adjective (18 Words)

achingHaving an ache in a part of one’s body.
The cool air was a relief to my aching head.
achyCausing a dull and steady pain.
Her old achy joints.
auburn(of hair) of a reddish-brown colour.
Auburn hair.
chestnutOf a golden brown to reddish brown color.
Chestnut hair.
copperyOf something having the color of copper.
His hair was fine and coppery.
corrodedEaten away as by acid or oxidation.
hoaryUsed in names of animals and plants covered with whitish fur or short hairs e g hoary bat hoary cress.
Hoary jokes.
out of practiceOut of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election.
oxidizedCombined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen.
The oxidized form of iodine.
painfulCausing physical or psychological pain.
Their attempts at reggae are painful.
reddishOf a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies.
The leaves turn reddish brown.
reddish-brownOf brown tinged with red.
rufousReddish brown in colour.
Handsome rufous plumage.
russetReddish brown in colour.
That terse and epigrammatic style with its russet Saxon.
rustOf the brown color of rust.
rust-brownOf the brown color of rust.
rustedHaving accumulated rust.
Rusted hinges.
tawnyOf a light brown to brownish orange color; the color of tanned leather.
Tawny eyes.

Usage Examples of "Rusty" as an adjective

  • A rusty hinge.
  • A rusty machine.
  • Rusty deposits.
  • My typing is a little rusty.
  • Green grass turning a rusty brown.
  • It was my first race for three months and I felt a bit rusty.

Associations of "Rusty" (30 Words)

aluminumA silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite.
antiqueMake something resemble an antique by artificial means.
A suit of rather antique appearance.
brassA memorial typically a medieval one consisting of a flat piece of inscribed brass laid in the floor or set into the wall of a church.
A brass plate on the door.
bronzeGive the color and appearance of bronze to something.
The doors were bronzed with sculpted reliefs.
chromiumThe chemical element of atomic number 24, a hard white metal used in stainless steel and other alloys.
copperBrown coins of low value made of copper or bronze.
Some iron hulls were sheathed with wood and then coppered.
corrodeBecome destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid.
Over the years copper pipework corrodes.
corrosionDamage caused to metal stone or other materials by corrosion.
Engineers found the corrosion when checking the bridge.
decayAn inferior state resulting from the process of decaying.
Bacterial decay.
decayedDamaged by decay; hence unsound and useless.
Decayed teeth.
decomposeSeparate (substances) into constituent elements or parts.
The bodies decomposed in the heat.
erosiveWearing away by friction.
The erosive effects of waves on the shoreline.
ferrousOf iron with a valency of two; of iron(II).
gildDecorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold.
The first rays of the sun were gilding the grassy hillside.
grateFurnish with a grate.
A grated fireplace.
hoaryUsed in names of animals and plants covered with whitish fur or short hairs e g hoary bat hoary cress.
The hoary old adage often used by Fleet Street editors.
incompetentAn incompetent person.
An incompetent secret service.
inexperiencedLacking practical experience or training.
An inexperienced driver.
ironPress and smooth with a heated iron.
An iron constitution.
metalA mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten.
The strange metallic note of the meadow lark suggesting the clash of vibrant blades.
molderBreak down.
obsolescentBecoming obsolete.
Obsolescent slang.
patinaAn acquired change in the appearance of something (other than metal or wood.
A patina of good breeding.
platinumGreyish white or silvery like platinum.
A platinum wig.
rottenVery bad.
It s rotten for you having to cope on your own.
rustA plant disease that produces a reddish brown discoloration of leaves and stems caused by various rust fungi.
The MPs are here to scrape the rust off the derelict machinery of government.
senile(of a condition) characteristic of or caused by old age.
Senile decay.
unskilledNot having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency.
Unskilled in the art of rhetoric.
verdigrisColor verdigris.
zincCoat iron with zinc or a zinc compound to prevent rust.
The metal has to be zinced to prevent oxidation and decay.

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