SAFER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SAFER?

Need another word that means the same as “safer”? Find 30 related words for “safer” in this overview.

Associations of "Safer" (30 Words)

comfortedMade comfortable or more comfortable in a time of distress.
The news make her feel comforted.
defence(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires.
His first title defence against Jones.
defensibleCapable of being defended.
A fort with a defensible yard at its feet.
durableCapable of withstanding wear and tear and decay.
The durable Smith lasted the full eight rounds.
evacuationThe bodily process of discharging waste matter.
Those who required an evacuation of retained products.
fireproofMake something fireproof.
Nearby museum buildings will be fireproofed.
harmlessNot able or likely to cause harm.
As an entertainer he s pretty harmless.
helmetThe arched upper part (galea) of the corolla in some flowers, especially those of the mint and orchid families.
innocuousNot harmful or offensive.
It was an innocuous question.
intactNot damaged or impaired in any way; complete.
Fought to keep the union intact.
invulnerableImpossible to harm or damage.
No state in the region is now invulnerable to attack by another.
lancetShaped like a lancet arch.
A lancet clock.
preclusivePreventing something from happening; restrictive.
Grounds for preclusive intervention.
preemptiveDesigned or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence.
A preemptive business offer.
prophylacticCapable of preventing conception or impregnation.
Prophylactic measures.
protectingShielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort.
The protecting blanket of snow.
protectiveIntended to protect someone or something.
A protective mother.
relievedMade easier to bear.
Relieved parents who had waited anxiously for news.
safetyThe state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions.
Insure the safety of the children.
secureFinancially safe.
Everyone needs to have a home and to feel secure and wanted.
securityA department responsible for the security of the institution s property and workers.
Amid tight security the presidents met in the Colombian resort.
soberMake or become sober after drinking alcohol.
I ought to sober up a bit.
sobrietyThe state of being sober and not intoxicated by alcohol.
She speaks with such sobriety it s clear she speaks the truth.
undamagedNot harmed or spoiled; sound.
Buildings undamaged during the war.
unharmedNot injured or harmed.
All the hostages were released unharmed.
unhurtFree from danger or injury.
He was shaken but unhurt after being pelted with cans and bottles.
unimpairedNot damaged or diminished in any respect.
His speech remained unimpaired.
uninjuredNot injured physically or mentally.
They escaped uninjured when their homes were hit.
unscathedNot injured or harmed.
I came through all those perils unscathed.

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