Need another word that means the same as “scaffold”? Find 30 related words for “scaffold” in this overview.
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Associations of "Scaffold" (30 Words)
ascend | (of a voice or sound) rise in pitch. The road ascends to the loch. |
ascending | The act of changing location in an upward direction. Incomes ranked in ascending order of size. |
ascent | An instance of rising or moving up through the air. The ascent grew steeper. |
ax | Chop or split with an ax. The NSF axed the research program and stopped funding it. |
axe | Cut or strike with an axe especially violently or destructively. Thirty staff are facing the axe at the Royal Infirmary. |
behead | Cut the head of. Mary was beheaded at Fotheringhay. |
block | An act of blocking someone or something. They put their paintings on the block. |
clamber | Climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet. I clambered out of the trench. |
climb | The act of climbing something. The rate of climb can be set by the pilot. |
climbing | The sport or activity of climbing mountains or cliffs. Climbing equipment. |
cubic | A cubic equation or a curve described by one. A cubic room. |
floor | Provide a room or area with a floor. A stone floored building. |
hang | Be suspended or hanging. He adjusted the hang of his coat. |
height | The quality of being tall or high. Her height marked her out from other women. |
ladder | With reference to tights or stockings develop or cause to develop a ladder. The first time I put them on one of the stockings laddered. |
lade | Fill or place a load on. The surplus products must be laden on board the vessels. |
lattice | An interlaced structure or pattern resembling a lattice. Honeysuckle was growing up a lattice round the door. |
load | Place a load or large quantity of something on or in a vehicle ship container etc. I just went down to the store and loaded up on beer. |
lug | Ancient Celtic god. Don t worry about lugging the kids to the salon with you. |
mallet | A hammer with a large, usually wooden head. |
plank | Cook and serve on a plank. He had planked 1 000 under the mattress. |
risen | (of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon. The risen sun. |
roof | Function as the roof of. The rain woke him hammering on the roof. |
rung | A horizontal support on a ladder for a person’s foot. We must ensure that the low skilled do not get trapped on the bottom rung. |
scale | Remove the scales from. The skin may scale and peel away with itching stinging or burning sensations in the infected area. |
shin | The inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle. He shinned up a tree. |
square | A square scarf. Faced with such declarations politicians were resolved to squash or square the press. |
stairs | A flight of stairs or a flight of steps. |
stepladder | A short folding ladder with flat steps and a small platform. |
top | The top or extreme point of something usually a mountain or hill. They topped a rise and began a slow descent. |