SCREWED UP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SCREWED UP?

Need another word that means the same as “screwed up”? Find 30 related words for “screwed up” in this overview.

Associations of "Screwed up" (30 Words)

ascendGo up or climb.
The Prophet ascended to heaven.
ascendingMoving or going or growing upward.
The ascending stems of chickweed.
ascentA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.
The ascent grew steeper.
boostGive a boost to be beneficial to.
He d had his wallet boosted in a bar.
climbA mountain hill or slope that is climbed.
The rate of climb can be set by the pilot.
climbingThe sport or activity of climbing mountains or cliffs.
His other great interest was climbing especially in the Alps.
downstairsSituated downstairs.
I tripped over the cat and fell downstairs.
elevateRaise to a more important or impressive level.
The field guns were elevated twenty degrees.
elevatorThe airfoil on the tailplane of an aircraft that makes it ascend or descend.
In the elevator she pressed the button for the lobby.
escalatorA moving staircase consisting of an endlessly circulating belt of steps driven by a motor, which conveys people between the floors of a public building.
highA high power setting.
If the stable is doing well then everybody s on a high.
hoistMove from one place to another by lifting.
Hoist the flags.
ladderWith reference to tights or stockings develop or cause to develop a ladder.
The first time I put them on one of the stockings laddered.
liftAn act of lifting.
The Puma tactical transport helicopter has a total lift of up to 5 500 lb.
mountingThe action of mounting something.
The mounting of rapid fire guns.
precipitateA substance precipitated from a solution.
Our economy precipitated into complete ruin.
promoteOf an additive act as a promoter of a catalyst.
I got promoted after many years of hard work.
raiseRaise from a lower to a higher position.
Raise an army.
riseRise up.
The bird has a display flight of steep flapping rises.
risen(of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon.
The risen sun.
rising(of a bird) depicted with the wings open but not fully displayed, as if preparing for flight.
The reforms led to peasant risings.
soarThe act of rising upward into the air.
When she heard his voice her spirits soared.
soaringOf imposing height; especially standing out above others.
The soaring spires of the cathedral.
stairsA flight of stairs or a flight of steps.
stepladderA folding portable ladder hinged at the top.
uphillThe upward slope of a hill.
The journey is slightly uphill.
upstairsThe part of a building above the ground floor.
She was cleaning the upstairs.
upwardTo a later time.
The fragments flew upwards.
verticallyIn a vertical direction.
Vertically integrated companies.
zoomCause a lens or camera to zoom in or out.
The camera zoomed in for a close up of his face.

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