Need another word that means the same as “secondary”? Find 39 synonyms and 30 related words for “secondary” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Secondary” are: junior-grade, lower-ranking, lowly, petty, subaltern, subordinate, lesser, lower, minor, peripheral, incidental, tangential, marginal, ancillary, subsidiary, subservient, inessential, of little account, unimportant, less important, indirect, derived, derivative, resulting, resultant, concomitant, accompanying, consequential, contingent, alternative, spare, extra, additional, another, supporting, substitute, auxiliary, secondary coil, secondary winding
Secondary as a Noun
Definitions of "Secondary" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “secondary” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The Secondary or Mesozoic era.
- A secondary feather.
- A secondary coil or winding in an electrical transformer.
- The defensive football players who line up behind the linemen.
- A secondary school.
- Coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil.

Synonyms of "Secondary" as a noun (2 Words)
secondary coil | The defensive football players who line up behind the linemen. |
secondary winding | The defensive football players who line up behind the linemen. |

Secondary as an Adjective
Definitions of "Secondary" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “secondary” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Relating to or denoting the output side of a device using electromagnetic induction, especially in a transformer.
- Being of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate.
- Denoting or relating to organisms in a particular community that belong to the second trophic level among its consumers, and consume primary consumers.
- Coming after, less important than, or resulting from someone or something else that is primary.
- Having a reversible chemical reaction and therefore able to store energy.
- Belonging to a lower class or rank.
- Inferior in rank or status.
- Not of major importance.
- (chiefly of amines) derived from ammonia by replacement of two hydrogen atoms by organic groups.
- Relating to education for children from the age of eleven to sixteen or eighteen.
- Depending on or incidental to what is original or primary.
- (of an organic compound) having its functional group located on a carbon atom which is bonded to two other carbon atoms.

Synonyms of "Secondary" as an adjective (37 Words)
accompanying | Following or accompanying as a consequence. Owning a home brings with it a horde of accompanying expenses. |
additional | Added, extra, or supplementary to what is already present or available. Called for additional troops. |
alternative | Serving or used in place of another. An alternative plan. |
ancillary | Providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, system, etc. Paragraph 19 was merely ancillary to paragraph 16. |
another | Any of various alternatives; some other. Put it off to another or some other day. |
auxiliary | Furnishing added support. The main library and its auxiliary branches. |
concomitant | Following or accompanying as a consequence. She loved travel with all its concomitant worries. |
consequential | Important; significant. The new congress lacked consequential leaders. |
contingent | (of losses, liabilities, etc.) that can be anticipated to arise if a particular event occurs. Arms sales contingent on the approval of congress. |
derivative | Resulting from or employing derivation. Equity based derivative products. |
derived | Formed or developed from something else; not original. The belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived. |
extra | Excessive or extravagant. Extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts. |
incidental | (sometimes followed by `to’) minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence. The road will bring other incidental advantages. |
indirect | (of a route) not straight; not following the shortest way. Indirect evidence. |
inessential | Not basic or fundamental. Inessential information. |
junior-grade | Inferior in rank or status. |
less important | A quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree. |
lesser | Used in names of animals and plants which are smaller than similar kinds e g lesser spotted woodpecker lesser celandine. He was convicted of a lesser assault charge. |
lower | (of an animal or plant) showing relatively primitive or simple characteristics. Managers lower down the hierarchy. |
lower-ranking | Inferior in rank or status. |
lowly | (of an organism) primitive or simple. A lowly corporal. |
marginal | Minor and not important; not central. A marginal victory. |
minor | Of an interval characteristic of a minor scale and less by a semitone than the equivalent major interval. Minor children. |
of little account | Young, immature. |
peripheral | Of secondary or minor importance; marginal. She will see their problems as peripheral to her own. |
petty | Unduly concerned with trivial matters, especially in a small-minded or spiteful way. She thought readers were being petty in writing to complain about blocked paths. |
resultant | Occurring with or following as a consequence. Restructuring and the resultant cost savings. |
resulting | Occurring or following as the consequence of something. Talk of a general election and the resulting political uncertainty. |
spare | With no excess fat; thin. Spare time on my hands. |
subaltern | Of lower status. The private tutor was a recognized subaltern part of the bourgeois family. |
subordinate | Subject or submissive to authority or the control of another. His subordinate officers. |
subservient | Abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant- S.H.Adams. He expected her career to become subservient to his. |
subsidiary | (of a company) controlled by a holding or parent company. Many argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of protecting the environment. |
substitute | Serving or used in place of another. Substitute coffee. |
supporting | Capable of bearing a structural load. A supporting wall. |
tangential | Diverging from a previous course or line; erratic. Tangential thoughts. |
unimportant | Devoid of importance, meaning, or force. The question seems unimportant. |

Usage Examples of "Secondary" as an adjective
- A secondary school.
- A secondary infection.
- Luck plays a role, but it's ultimately secondary to local knowledge.
- The primary and secondary coils of the transformer.
- The stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher.
- Played a secondary role in world events.
- The plot is of secondary importance: what matters most is the relationships between the characters.
- A secondary source.
- When a bear eats a plant-eating rodent, the bear is functioning as a secondary consumer.
- The lead-acid accumulator used in cars consists of secondary cells.
- Secondary streams.
- A secondary issue.

Associations of "Secondary" (30 Words)
auxiliary | An auxiliary verb. The main library and its auxiliary branches. |
extra | Excessive or extravagant. Crudit is so extra just call it a snack. |
flimsy | Insubstantial and easily damaged. A pretty flimsy excuse. |
inconsequential | Lacking worth or importance. His work seems trivial and inconsequential. |
inconsiderable | Too small or unimportant to merit attention. A not inconsiderable artist. |
insignificant | (of a person) without power or influence. The sum required was insignificant compared with military spending. |
insubstantial | Lacking material form or substance; unreal. The huts are relatively few and insubstantial. |
mini | Denoting a miniature version of something. A mini camera. |
miniature | A plant or animal that is a smaller version of an existing variety or breed. Seven full size car bodies and three miniatures were used. |
minor | The minor leagues in baseball or American football. Concerto in A minor. |
negligible | So small as to be meaningless; insignificant. The effect was negligible. |
nitpick | Engage in fussy or pedantic fault-finding. The state is nitpicking about minor administrative matters. |
nominal | Pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun. EU legislation allowed variation around the nominal weight that printed on each packet. |
paltry | Contemptibly small in amount. She would earn a paltry 33 more a month. |
peccadillo | A petty misdeed. The sexual peccadilloes of celebrities aren t necessarily news. |
pettiness | The quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous. The sheer pettiness of the officials was quite startling. |
picayune | Small and of little importance. The picayune squabbling of party politicians. |
piddling | Pathetically trivial; trifling. Piddling little questions. |
recessive | A recessive trait or gene. This variant was a low status and recessive feature. |
slight | Being of delicate or slender build. A slight increase. |
subordinate | Make subordinate dependent or subservient. A subordinate kingdom. |
subsidiary | (of a company) controlled by a holding or parent company. The firm s Spanish subsidiary. |
supplementary | A supplementary person or thing. The development of databases supplementary to existing ones. |
tenuous | Having thin consistency. A tenuous argument. |
trifling | Unimportant or trivial. A trifling sum. |
trivial | Concerned with trivialities. A trivial mind. |
underling | A person lower in status or rank. She was shouting orders at underlings between gulps of coffee. |
undistinguished | Lacking distinction; unexceptional. An undistinguished career. |
unessential | Not absolutely necessary; inessential. A train has broken down resulting in a call to postpone all unessential travel. |
unimportant | Devoid of importance, meaning, or force. A relatively unimportant feature of the system. |