Need another word that means the same as “shaped”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “shaped” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Shaped” are: molded, wrought
Shaped as an Adjective
Definitions of "Shaped" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “shaped” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Having a defined external form or outline.
- Shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort.
- Having the shape of.

Synonyms of "Shaped" as an adjective (2 Words)
molded | Shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort. The molded steel plates. |
wrought | Made or fashioned in the specified way. The wrought silver bracelet. |

Usage Examples of "Shaped" as an adjective
- Her oval-shaped face.
- A shaped handgrip.
- An enclosed back garden with a shaped lawn.

Associations of "Shaped" (30 Words)
arch | A shape resembling an arch. The delicate arch of his eyebrows. |
attic | Of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times. I discovered a dozen rolls of the original wallpaper in a tin trunk in the attic. |
circle | Form or draw a circle around. They had excellent seats in the dress circle. |
circular | Having a circular shape. The building features a circular atrium. |
concave | Having an outline or surface that curves inwards like the interior of a circle or sphere. Concave lenses. |
conical | Relating to or resembling a cone. Conical mountains. |
convex | Having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere. A convex lens. |
crescent | A representation of a crescent used as an emblem of Islam or of Turkey. A three mile crescent of golden sand. |
curve | Form a curl curve or kink. The road curved sharply. |
cycloid | Resembling a circle. |
cylindrical | Having straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross-section; in the shape or form of a cylinder. A cylindrical plastic container. |
dome | A sports stadium with a domed roof. The dome of St Paul s Cathedral. |
draw | Engage in drawing. She took a long draw on her cigarette. |
ellipse | A closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it. The sums of the distances from the foci to any point on an ellipse is constant. |
elliptical | Characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements. She had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration. |
epicycloid | A line generated by a point on a circle rolling around another circle. |
hyperbola | The pair of hyperbolas formed by the intersection of a plane with two equal cones on opposite sides of the same vertex. |
oblate | A lay person dedicated to religious work or the religious life. |
oval | An oval sports field or racing track. Her smooth oval face. |
ovoid | An ovoid body or surface. |
parabola | A symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side. The path of a projectile under the influence of gravity follows a curve of this shape. |
parabolic | Resembling or expressed by parables. A parabolic mirror behind a spotlight projects a parallel beam. |
peristyle | A space such as a court or porch that is surrounded or edged by a peristyle. |
radius | A circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius. They located it within a radius of 2 miles. |
rotunda | A round building or room, especially one with a dome. A rotonda that exits on four roads into Greater Manila. |
rounded | Having a smooth, curved surface. We should educate children to become rounded human beings. |
shape | Shape or influence give direction to. The stones are irregular in shape. |
square | Position so as to be square. Four square meals a day. |
tube | Provide with a tube or insert a tube into. In Paris the subway system is called the metro and in London it is called the tube or the underground. |
vertex | Each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure. |