Need another word that means the same as “sheep”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “sheep” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Sheep” are: woollyback
Sheep as a Noun
Definitions of "Sheep" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sheep” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat.
- Used with reference to people who are too easily influenced or led.
- A person regarded as a protected follower of God.
- A member of a minister's congregation.
- A timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon.
- A domesticated ruminant mammal with a thick woolly coat and (typically only in the male) curving horns. It is kept in flocks for its wool or meat, and is proverbial for its tendency to follow others in the flock.
- A wild mammal related to this, such as the argali, bighorn, bharal, and urial.
- A docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision.

Synonyms of "Sheep" as a noun (1 Word)
woollyback | (in Liverpool) a person from outside Liverpool, especially one from the neighbouring areas of Lancashire or the Wirral peninsula. She was born in Leicestershire and has lived there ever since earning her the rather dubious title of woollyback. |

Usage Examples of "Sheep" as a noun
- Party members should not follow their leader like sheep.
- His students followed him like sheep.

Associations of "Sheep" (30 Words)
beef | Informal terms for objecting. It s more a sketch than a policy where s the beef. |
camel | A fabric made from camel hair. A camel coat. |
cattle | Animals of a group related to domestic cattle including yak bison and buffaloes. So many head of cattle. |
deer | A hoofed grazing or browsing animal, with branched bony antlers that are shed annually and typically borne only by the male. |
domesticate | Overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable. You ve quite domesticated him. |
domesticated | (of a plant) cultivated for food; naturalized. Domesticated dogs. |
ewe | Female sheep. |
fleece | Cover as if with a fleece. The shed can be used for storing fleeces. |
goat | A wild mammal related to the goat such as the ibex. Just for once stop acting the goat. |
graze | Let feed in a field or pasture or meadow. Shepherds who grazed animals on common land. |
herbivore | An animal that feeds on plants. Predatory carnivores and their herbivore prey. |
lamb | The flesh of a lamb as food. Pitt had been lambed down at the Pig and Whistle. |
livestock | Any animals kept for use or profit. Markets for the trading of livestock. |
meat | Food of any kind. Cold meats. |
mutton | Meat from a mature domestic sheep. A leg of mutton. |
omnivore | An animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances. |
pig | A wild animal of the pig family a hog. They will carry out all trenching and pigging. |
porcine | Resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy. His flushed porcine features. |
pork | The flesh of a pig used as food, especially when uncured. We porked out on cookies and pies. |
purebred | Bred for many generations from member of a recognized breed or strain. |
raven | A large heavily built crow with mainly black plumage, feeding chiefly on carrion. Thick raven hair. |
roast | A particular type of roasted coffee. If you waste his time he ll roast you. |
shepherd | Tend sheep as a shepherd. I shepherded them through the door. |
sloven | A person who is habitually untidy or careless. |
sow | Disseminate or introduce (something undesirable. Fill a pot with compost and sow a thin layer of seeds on top. |
sty | A pigsty. The place is a real sty beer and wine bottles all over the place. |
swine | A pig. Mist is a swine in unfamiliar country. |
veal | The flesh of a young calf, used as food. Veal and ham pie. |
venison | Meat from a deer used as food. Venison steaks. |
wool | Yarn or textile fibre made from wool. Harris tweed is made from pure new wool. |