Need another word that means the same as “sheer”? Find 56 synonyms and 30 related words for “sheer” in this overview.
- Sheer as a Verb
- Definitions of "Sheer" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Sheer" as a verb (7 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Sheer" as a verb
- Sheer as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Sheer" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Sheer" as an adjective (48 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Sheer" as an adjective
- Sheer as an Adverb
- Definitions of "Sheer" as an adverb
- Synonyms of "Sheer" as an adverb (1 Word)
- Usage Examples of "Sheer" as an adverb
- Associations of "Sheer" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Sheer” are: plain, unmingled, unmixed, bluff, bold, absolute, downright, out-and-out, rank, right-down, cobwebby, diaphanous, filmy, gauze-like, gauzy, gossamer, see-through, transparent, vaporous, vapourous, utter, complete, total, pure, perfect, thorough, thoroughgoing, through and through, consummate, patent, surpassing, veritable, unqualified, unmitigated, unalloyed, unadulterated, precipitous, very steep, perpendicular, vertical, abrupt, sharp, vertiginous, floaty, very thin, translucent, insubstantial, fine, curve, cut, slew, slue, swerve, trend, veer, perpendicularly
Sheer as a Verb
Definitions of "Sheer" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sheer” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Turn sharply; change direction abruptly.
- Cause to sheer.

Synonyms of "Sheer" as a verb (7 Words)
curve | Extend in curves and turns. The road curved sharply. |
cut | Function as a cutting instrument. Cut a hole. |
slew | Of an electronic device undergo slewing. The Renault slewed from side to side in the snow. |
slue | Turn sharply; change direction abruptly. |
swerve | Turn sharply; change direction abruptly. O Hara swerved the motorcycle round the corner. |
trend | (especially of a geographical feature) bend or turn away in a specified direction. I ve just taken a quick look at what s trending on Twitter right now. |
veer | Turn sharply; change direction abruptly. The wind veered a point. |

Usage Examples of "Sheer" as a verb
- She sheered her car around the obstacle.

Sheer as an Adjective
Definitions of "Sheer" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sheer” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers.
- Not mixed with extraneous elements.
- So thin as to transmit light.
- (of a fabric) very thin; diaphanous.
- (especially of a cliff or wall) perpendicular or nearly so.
- Very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front.
- Nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis.

Synonyms of "Sheer" as an adjective (48 Words)
abrupt | Exceedingly sudden and unexpected. The abrupt double peak. |
absolute | Not limited by law. An absolute guarantee to respect the nation s authority. |
bluff | Very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front. A bluff but pleasant manner. |
bold | (especially of a child) naughty; badly behaved. Bold settlers on some foreign shore. |
cobwebby | Covered with cobwebs. |
complete | Perfect and complete in every respect having all necessary qualities. A complete coward. |
consummate | Showing great skill and flair. Consummate skill. |
diaphanous | So thin as to transmit light. A diaphanous dress of pale gold. |
downright | Characterized by plain blunt honesty. It s a downright disgrace. |
filmy | So thin as to transmit light. Filmy wings of a moth. |
fine | Characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment. Covered with a fine film of dust. |
floaty | (especially of a woman’s garment or a fabric) light and flimsy. A floaty scarf. |
gauze-like | So thin as to transmit light. |
gauzy | Resembling gauze; thin and translucent. A gauzy dress. |
gossamer | So thin as to transmit light. Gossamer shading through his playing. |
insubstantial | Lacking in nutritive value. As insubstantial as a dream. |
out-and-out | Directed outward or serving to direct something outward. |
patent | Made and marketed under a patent proprietary. Patent ductus arteriosus. |
perfect | Of a tense denoting a completed action or a state or habitual action which began in the past The perfect tense is formed in English with have or has and the past participle as in they have eaten and they have been eating present perfect they had eaten past perfect and they will have eaten future perfect. A perfect circle. |
perpendicular | So steep as to be almost vertical. The axes are perpendicular to each other. |
plain | Denoting or relating to a type of knitting stitch produced by putting the needle through the front of each stitch from left to right. Plain water. |
precipitous | Done with very great haste and without due deliberation- Shakespeare- Arthur Geddes. A precipitous slide in the government s popularity. |
pure | Of color being chromatically pure not diluted with white or grey or black. The romantic notion of pure art devoid of social responsibility. |
rank | Very fertile; producing profuse growth. A rank outsider. |
right-down | Complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers. |
see-through | So thin as to transmit light. |
sharp | Keenly and painfully felt as if caused by a sharp edge or point. A sharp photographic image. |
surpassing | Exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence. A picture of surpassing beauty. |
thorough | Complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial. Made a thorough search. |
thoroughgoing | Performed comprehensively and completely. A thoroughgoing villain. |
through and through | Having finished or arrived at completion. |
total | Constituting the full quantity or extent; complete. A total stranger. |
translucent | (of a substance) allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semi-transparent. Translucent amber. |
transparent | Easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety. Transparent crystal. |
unadulterated | Not mixed with impurities. Pure unadulterated jealousy. |
unalloyed | Free from admixture. Unalloyed pleasure. |
unmingled | Not mixed with extraneous elements. |
unmitigated | Absolute; unqualified. The tour had been an unmitigated disaster. |
unmixed | Not mixed with extraneous elements. Not an unmixed blessing. |
unqualified | Not limited or restricted. No company would permit an unqualified accountant to audit its books. |
utter | Complete; absolute. Charlotte stared at her in utter amazement. |
vaporous | Resembling or characteristic of vapor. Vaporous silks. |
vapourous | Filled with vapor. |
veritable | Not counterfeit or copied. Photographs taken in a veritable bull ring. |
vertical | At right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line. The monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab. |
vertiginous | Relating to or affected by vertigo. Vertiginous drops to the valleys below. |
very steep | Precisely as stated. |
very thin | Precisely as stated. |

Usage Examples of "Sheer" as an adjective
- Sheer silk stockings.
- She giggled with sheer delight.
- Sheer stupidity.
- Got the job through sheer persistence.
- Sheer wine.
- Sheer white silk chiffon.
- It's been sheer hard work.
- The sheer ice walls.
- A sheer descent of rock.

Sheer as an Adverb
Definitions of "Sheer" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sheer” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- Directly.
- Completely; right.
- Straight up or down without a break.
- Perpendicularly.

Synonyms of "Sheer" as an adverb (1 Word)
perpendicularly | Straight up or down without a break. |

Usage Examples of "Sheer" as an adverb
- The ridge fell sheer, in steep crags.
- She went sheer forward when the door was open.

Associations of "Sheer" (30 Words)
altogether | To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly. It was not altogether her fault. |
artless | Characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious. Her awkward artless prose. |
bliss | Perfect happiness; great joy. Blissed out hippies. |
bumpkin | A person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture. She thought Tom a bit of a country bumpkin. |
candid | (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject’s knowledge. A candid photograph. |
downright | So direct in manner as to be blunt. It s a downright disgrace. |
guileless | Devoid of guile; innocent and without deception. His face once so open and guileless. |
honest | Without dissimulation; frank. Gave honest answers. |
indescribable | Too unusual, extreme, or indefinite to be adequately described. Most prisoners suffered indescribable hardship. |
ineffable | Too sacred to be uttered. The ineffable mysteries of the soul. |
inexpressible | Defying expression. A mood of inexpressible longing. |
ingenuous | Lacking in sophistication or worldliness. An ingenuous admission of responsibility. |
innocence | A person’s virginity. The healthy bloom in her cheeks gave her an aura of innocence. |
innocent | Completely wanting or lacking. An innocent prank. |
misapprehend | Interpret in the wrong way. They seemed not to mind that their more profound utterances were misapprehended as self help maxims. |
misconceive | Judge or plan badly, typically on the basis of faulty understanding. Criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived. |
misconception | An incorrect conception. Public misconceptions about antibiotic use. |
misconstrue | Interpret (a person’s words or actions) wrongly. My advice was deliberately misconstrued. |
misinterpret | Interpret wrongly. Don t misinterpret my comments as criticism. |
misread | Read or interpret wrongly. I misread Hamlet all my life. |
misunderstand | Fail to interpret or understand (something) correctly. Don t misunderstand me I m not implying she should be working. |
naive | Of or created by one without formal training simple or naive in style. This naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances. |
obstinacy | Resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires. His reputation for obstinacy. |
out-and-out | Not allowed to continue to bat or run. |
pure | Being chromatically pure not diluted with white or grey or black. 80 pure bred stallions were on parade. |
unmitigated | Absolute; unqualified. An unmitigated lie. |
unmixed | Not constituting a compound. Not an unmixed blessing. |
unspeakable | Defying expression or description. An unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room. |
unutterable | Too great or awful to describe. Unutterable contempt. |
venality | Prostitution of talents or offices or services for reward. |