Need another word that means the same as “shove”? Find 51 synonyms and 30 related words for “shove” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Shove” are: jostle, squeeze, stuff, thrust, push, propel, impel, push one's way, force one's way, barge, barge one's way, elbow, elbow one's way, shoulder one's way, muscle, bludgeon one's way, plunge, crash, bulldoze, sweep, bundle, hustle, hurry, rush, put, place, rest, deposit, set, set down, lay, leave, settle, stick, position, station, ram, bump, bang, jolt, butt, knock, prod, poke, nudge, shoulder
Shove as a Noun
Definitions of "Shove" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “shove” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something.
- A strong push.

Synonyms of "Shove" as a noun (15 Words)
bang | A conspicuous success. The party went with a bang. |
barge | A boat used by the chief officers of a warship. |
bump | A loosely woven fleeced cotton fabric used in upholstery and as lining material. Her mosquito bites had come up in huge red bumps. |
elbow | A thing resembling an elbow in particular a piece of piping bent through an angle. His coat had patches over the elbows. |
jolt | An abrupt spasmodic movement. He felt a jolt when the plane started to climb. |
jostle | The action of jostling. The jostle of shoppers. |
knock | The sound of knocking as on a door or in an engine or bearing. The sudden knock floored him. |
nudge | A light touch or push. He gave her shoulder a nudge. |
poke | A blow with the fist. I expect you d prefer something with a bit more poke. |
push | The force used in pushing. An investor with the necessary money and push. |
ram | The most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are. |
shoulder | A part of something resembling a shoulder in shape position or function. A resort sheltered by the shoulder of Ben Nevis. |

Usage Examples of "Shove" as a noun
- She gave him a hefty shove and he nearly fell.
- He gave the door a shove.

Shove as a Verb
Definitions of "Shove" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “shove” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Put (something) somewhere carelessly or roughly.
- Push roughly.
- Push (someone or something) roughly.
- Press or force.
- Make one's way by pushing someone or something.
- Used to express angry dismissal of something.
- Come into rough contact with while moving.
Synonyms of "Shove" as a verb (36 Words)
barge | Convey freight by barge. She barged into the meeting room. |
barge one's way | Push one’s way. |
bludgeon one's way | Overcome or coerce as if by using a heavy club. |
bulldoze | Clear ground or destroy buildings trees etc with a bulldozer. She believes that to build status you need to bulldoze everyone else. |
bundle | Make into a bundle. They were bundled up in thick sweaters. |
crash | Move with or as if with a crashing noise. The waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night. |
deposit | Put into a bank account. The female deposits a line of eggs. |
elbow | Shove one s elbow into another person s ribs. The issues which concerned them tended to be elbowed aside by men. |
elbow one's way | Push one’s way with the elbows. |
force one's way | Take by force. |
hurry | Move very fast. Hurry up and finish your meal. |
hustle | Move or cause to move energetically or busily. I was hustled away to a cold cell. |
impel | Drive forward; propel. Financial difficulties impelled him to desperate measures. |
jostle | Make one’s way by jostling, pushing, or shoving. He was jostled by passengers rushing for the gates. |
lay | Used with an abstract noun so that the phrase formed has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun used e g lay the blame on means to blame. Lay the foundation for a new health care plan. |
leave | Leave behind unintentionally. He ll leave you in no doubt about what he thinks. |
muscle | Move (an object) in a particular direction by using one’s physical strength. He muscled his way into the office. |
place | Identify the location or place of. He bet 2 on number six to place. |
plunge | Drop steeply. She plunged at it eagerly. |
position | Put into a certain place or abstract location. A development plan which will position the city as a major economic force in the region. |
propel | Drive or push something forwards. The boat is propelled by using a very long paddle. |
push | Make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby. The crowd pushed forward. |
push one's way | Approach a certain age or speed. |
put | Put into a certain place or abstract location. He put her to the torture. |
rest | Rest on or as if on a pillow. The country s security rested on its alliances. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. A rewritten textbook was rushed out last autumn. |
set | Set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly. The incident set me thinking. |
set down | Fix in a border. |
settle | Settle conclusively come to terms. He had settled into his new job. |
shoulder one's way | Carry a burden, either real or metaphoric. |
squeeze | Squeeze someone tightly in your arms usually with fondness. Kate squeezed his hand affectionately. |
station | Assign to a station. A young girl had stationed herself by the door. |
stick | Stick to firmly. Stick your thumb in the crack. |
stuff | Fill with a stuffing while cooking. Have you stuffed the turkey yet. |
sweep | Sweep with a broom or as if with a broom. We knew we had to sweep these three home games. |
Usage Examples of "Shove" as a verb
- Kids pushed, kicked, and shoved.
- She shoved the books into her briefcase.
- The people pushed and shoved to get in line.
- Woolley shoved past him.
- They started pushing and shoving people out of the way.
- I should have told the boss to shove it.
Associations of "Shove" (30 Words)
bustle | Move in an energetic and busy manner. She bustled us into the kitchen. |
button | Any of various plant parts that resemble buttons. Chocolate buttons. |
dash | The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code. A 20 mile dash to the airport. |
elbow | The part of a sleeve that covers the elbow joint. A cross fitting with elbows and straight pipework. |
exert | Make a physical or mental effort. He needs to exert himself to try to find an answer. |
extrude | Form or shape by forcing through an opening. Lava was being extruded from the volcano. |
flit | A secret move (to avoid paying debts. The hummingbird flitted among the branches. |
haste | Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry. Working with feverish haste. |
hasten | Be quick to do something. We hastened back to Paris. |
hie | Move fast. I hied down to New Orleans. |
hurl | Throw or impel (someone or something) with great force. Rioters hurled a brick through the windscreen. |
hurry | A condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry. Hurry it s late. |
hurtle | Move with or as if with a rushing sound. A runaway car hurtled towards them. |
hustle | Push one’s way; bustle. She would hustle for a few dollars. |
jostle | Come into rough contact with while moving. People jostled against us. |
lunge | Make a lunge. A crude lunge at United s goalscorer. |
overhasty | Excessively hasty. Hard times are showing up overhasty mergers. |
pang | A sharp spasm of pain. A pang of conscience. |
poke | Poke or thrust abruptly. She gave the fire a poke. |
punch | An iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings normally served in a punch bowl. He has the punch to knock out anyone in his division. |
push | An act of pushing someone or something in order to move them away from oneself. The lift boy pushed the button for the twentieth floor. |
pushing | The act of applying force in order to move something away. The pushing is good exercise. |
quicken | Cause (a fire) to burn. I felt my pulse quicken. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. There was a rush for the door. |
rushed | Done under pressure. A rushed job. |
rushing | The action of gaining yardage or scoring a touchdown or conversion by running from scrimmage with the ball. He seems so calm amid all the rushing people. |
sprint | A short, fast race in cycling, swimming, etc. I saw Charlie sprinting through the traffic towards me. |
swiftness | Lack of delay; promptness. Kay had the upper hand with her agility and swiftness. |
urgently | With great urgency. Health care reform is needed urgently. |