Need another word that means the same as “slammed”? Find 30 related words for “slammed” in this overview.
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Associations of "Slammed" (30 Words)
bang | Leap jerk bang. The shutter was banging in the wind. |
bat | Each of a pair of objects resembling table tennis bats used by a person on the ground to guide a taxiing aircraft. Bat one s eyelids. |
bolt | Make or roll into bolts. Bolt fabric. |
clap | Show approval of a person or action by clapping. Louisa clapped his performance. |
crackle | Having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks as in crackleware. My Rice Krispies crackled in the bowl. |
dab | A brief application of a piece of absorbent material to a surface. She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. |
ding | Go ding dong like a bell. Cash registers were dinging softly. |
door | A room that is entered via a door. We closed the door to Haitian immigrants. |
gavel | Bring a hearing or person to order by use of a gavel. He gavelled the convention to order. |
gouge | Make (a groove, hole, or indentation) with or as with a sharp tool or blade. The channel had been gouged out by the ebbing water. |
hammering | The action or sound of hammering something. A 7 0 hammering by the league leaders. |
knock | Knock against with force or violence. He s younger than his brother knocking seventy. |
lick | A salt deposit that animals regularly lick. Sammy gave his fingers a lick. |
lightning | A flash or discharge of lightning. A tremendous flash of lightning. |
pat | Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully especially under the chin. A pat of butter. |
ping | Hit with a pinging noise. Victoria pinged the bell. |
punch | An iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings normally served in a punch bowl. He punched me in the stomach. |
rap | Strike a hard surface with a series of rapid audible blows especially in order to attract attention. Certain banks are to be rapped for delaying interest rate cuts. |
shut | Prevent from entering shut out. Shut the window please. |
slap | Hit against or into something with the sound of something being slapped. The parador is slap bang in the middle of the Alhambra. |
slash | Reduce (a price, quantity, etc.) greatly. This year s sleeper hit is a faithful screen adaptation of Star Trek slash fiction. |
slayer | Someone who kills a person or animal in a violent way. A dragon slayer. |
strike | A pitch that passes through the strike zone. Strike action. |
swipe | Pass a swipe card through an electronic device designed to read and process the information encoded on it. He missed the ball with his first swipe. |
tap | The act of tapping a telephone or telegraph line to get information. The air supply tap. |
thrash | Give a thrashing to beat hard. The system is thrashing again. |
thunder | Be the case that thunder is being heard. You can hear the thunder of the falls in the distance. |
toss | Throw or toss with a light motion. The toss of a coin. |
unlocked | Not firmly fastened or secured. An opportunistic thief entered the property through an unlocked door. |
whip | Strike as if by whipping. A grass whip. |