Need another word that means the same as “slamming”? Find 30 related words for “slamming” in this overview.
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Associations of "Slamming" (30 Words)
bang | Leap jerk bang. The window banged shut. |
bat | Use a bat. A cricket bat has a narrow handle and a broad flat end for hitting. |
bolt | Secure or lock with a bolt. New benefits have been bolted on to the social security system. |
clap | Clap one s hands or shout after performances to indicate approval. There was no crescendo of applause just a lone volley of claps. |
crackle | Having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks as in crackleware. My Rice Krispies crackled in the bowl. |
dab | Hit lightly. Apply concealer with light dabs. |
ding | Go ding dong like a bell. Cash registers were dinging softly. |
door | A doorway. That audition was the door to all my future successes. |
gavel | Bring a hearing or person to order by use of a gavel. He gavelled the convention to order. |
gouge | Obtain by coercion or intimidation. The channel had been gouged out by the ebbing water. |
hammering | The action or sound of hammering something. A 7 0 hammering by the league leaders. |
knock | The sound of knocking as on a door or in an engine or bearing. The knocking grew louder. |
lick | A salt deposit that animals regularly lick. A tiny lick of flame flickered round the mouth of the flamethrower. |
lightning | A flash or discharge of lightning. A tremendous flash of lightning. |
pat | Pat or squeeze fondly or playfully especially under the chin. She patted down the earth in each pot. |
ping | Hit with a pinging noise. The doorbell pinged. |
punch | Drive forcibly as if by a punch. He punched her in the face and ran off. |
rap | Strike a hard surface with a series of rapid audible blows especially in order to attract attention. We could be here all night rapping about spiritualism. |
shut | Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed make shut. The door shut behind him. |
slap | Hit against or into something with the sound of something being slapped. The parador is slap bang in the middle of the Alhambra. |
slash | Cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword. This year s sleeper hit is a faithful screen adaptation of Star Trek slash fiction. |
slayer | Someone who kills a person or animal in a violent way. A dragon slayer. |
strike | Undertake strike action against an employer. Strike an arc. |
swipe | Pass a swipe card through an electronic device designed to read and process the information encoded on it. Simply swipe a finger across the phone s display screen to switch to another program. |
tap | Draw liquor from a tap. Glover tapdances better than anybody. |
thrash | A violent or noisy movement of beating or thrashing. Two months of thrashing around on my own have produced nothing. |
thunder | Thunder sounds. You can hear the thunder of the falls in the distance. |
toss | Throw or toss with a light motion. Toss the pasta in the sauce. |
unlocked | Not locked. An opportunistic thief entered the property through an unlocked door. |
whip | Beat severely with a whip or rod. The wind whipped their faces. |