SLIVER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SLIVER?

Need another word that means the same as “sliver”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “sliver” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Sliver” are: splinter, paring, shaving, shard, shiver, chip, flake, shred, scrap, slither

Sliver as a Noun

Definitions of "Sliver" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sliver” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something.
  • A small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal.
  • A strip of loose untwisted textile fibres produced by carding.
  • A small, thin piece of something cut or split off a larger piece.

Synonyms of "Sliver" as a noun (10 Words)

chipA tiny wafer of semiconducting material used to make an integrated circuit a microchip.
He made no mistake with a chip and a par putt from four feet to seal victory.
flakeA snowflake.
I told my husband she was a flake and she d never show up.
paringA thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something.
She could peel an apple with a single long paring.
scrapA small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used.
She jotted it on a scrap of paper.
shardA broken piece of a brittle artifact.
Shards of glass flew in all directions.
shavingThe action of shaving.
She brushed wood shavings from her knees.
shiverAn almost pleasurable sensation of fright.
She gave a little shiver as the wind flicked at her bare arms.
shredA small piece of cloth or paper.
Her dress was torn to shreds.
slitherA slithering movement.
A slither of bacon.
splinterA small, thin, sharp piece of wood, glass, or similar material broken off from a larger piece.
A splinter of ice.

Usage Examples of "Sliver" as a noun

  • It broke into slivers.
  • A sliver of cheese.
  • There was a sliver of light under his door.

Sliver as a Verb

Definitions of "Sliver" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “sliver” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Break up into splinters or slivers.
  • Divide into slivers or splinters.
  • Form into slivers.
  • Cut (something, especially food) into small, thin pieces.
  • Convert (textile fibres) into slivers.

Synonyms of "Sliver" as a verb (1 Word)

splinterDivide into slivers or splinters.
The party had begun to splinter into factions.

Usage Examples of "Sliver" as a verb

  • Sliver the blanched almonds, chop the pistachios, and set them aside.
  • Sliver wood.
  • I slivered four garlic cloves and browned them in the oil.
  • The fibres are combed or carded, then slivered and spun into yarn.

Associations of "Sliver" (30 Words)

artifactA man-made object taken as a whole.
cleaveSeparate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument.
Cleave the bone.
componentEach of two or more forces, velocities, or other vectors acting in different directions which are together equivalent to a given vector.
A component or constituent element of a system.
divisionA group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category.
The main divisions of the book.
flakeCome off in flakes or thin small pieces.
Flake the fish.
fractionA component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process.
Her eyes widened a fraction.
fractionalConstituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety.
The fractional variance in mass density per unit.
fragmentBreak or cause to break into fragments.
Nathan remembered fragments of the conversation.
fragmentaryConsisting of small disconnected or incomplete parts.
Fragmentary remains.
fragmentation(computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk.
Fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file.
inseparableA person or thing inseparable from another.
Research and higher education seem inseparable.
moietyA distinct part of a large molecule.
The enzyme removes the sulphate moiety.
partThat which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation.
He played a key part in ending the revolt.
partiallyIn part; in some degree; not wholly.
A partially open door.
percentageAny proportion or share in relation to a whole.
The percentage of Caesareans at the hospital was three per cent higher than the national average.
pieceTo join or unite the pieces of.
Indicate which piece or pawn is taken.
portionThe allotment of some amount by dividing something.
Eating meals that are portioned out properly will help you avoid binge eating.
proportionGive pleasant proportions to.
The room despite its ample proportions seemed too small for him.
scintillaA tiny or scarcely detectable amount.
A scintilla of doubt.
scrapDiscard or remove from service a redundant old or inoperative vehicle vessel or machine especially so as to convert it to scrap metal.
We re burning scrap lumber.
secedeWithdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.
The kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830.
sectorThe minimum track length that can be assigned to store information unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes.
The government aimed to reassure the industrial and commercial sector.
segmentDivide into segments.
A segment of an orange.
segmentation(embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum.
The segmentation of society means that often we don t have arguments across the political divide.
shardA piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock, typically having sharp edges.
Shards of glass flew in all directions.
slatEquip or bar with slats.
Sunlight filtered dustily through the slats of the door.
splinterBreak up into splinters or slivers.
The party had begun to splinter into factions.
sterlingBritish money especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK.
Prices in sterling are shown.
thornA thorny bush shrub or tree especially a hawthorn.
The issue has become a thorn in renewing the peace talks.
uppermostAt or nearest to the top.
The uppermost windows.

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